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臺灣日益發展為多元文化的社會,存在著許多不同的族群、不同的宗教信仰、不同的語言。閩南和客家為兩種不同的「族群」,唯有語言差異是較容易辨認族群的方法,但在文化上仍是有差異性存在的,隨著越趨頻繁的經濟與社會文化活動,人口移動也日益普遍,這兩個族群間互動最深遠的就是「通婚」。在此情形下,本研究之目的旨在探討閩客通婚下的未婚青年子女之文化認同發展情形,本研究的待答問題如下: 壹、閩客通婚下的未婚青年子女,對於客家與閩南二種不同族群文化的認同情形為何? 貳、影響閩客通婚下的未婚青年子女之文化認同的因素為何? 參、閩客通婚下的未婚青年子女之文化認同的發展階段為何? 本研究採用質性研究方法,以半結構式訪談八位閩客通婚下的未婚青年。研究結果發現受訪者之文化認同可分為四種類型:(1)認同閩南文化(2)認同客家文化(3)閩、客文化雙認同(4)閩、客文化皆無感。此外,而其文化認同受到父母與重要他人、同儕或師長、語言、傳播媒體等因素影響;而研究對象之文化認同發展歷程亦有不同的階段。
Taiwan is gradually emerging as a multicultural society, existing many different ethnic groups, different religious beliefs, and different languages. Minnan and Hakka are two different “ethnic groups”, and the difference between their languages is a way to identify these two groups more easily. However, there are still some differences between Minnan and Hakka cultures. With more and more frequent economic and social and cultural activities, as well as increasingly common population movements, the most far-reaching interaction between these two ethnic groups is “intermarriage”. Under these circumstances, this research focuses on studying cultural identities from the perspectives of single adults of the intermarriage between the Minnan and Hakka groups. The questions to be answered in this study are as follows: 1.What are the characteristics of the young adults’ identities toward Minnan and Hakka cultures? 2.What are the factors that affect the cultural identities of the single adults? 3.What are the stages of development of the cultural identities of the single adults? The study adopted the qualitative research method by undertaking semi-structure interviews with 8 young adults. The study found their cultural identities can be divided into four types: (1) Identifying Minnan culture (2) Identifying Hakka culture (3) Identifying both Minnan and Hakka cultures (4) Minnan and Hakka cultures are all senseless. In addition, their cultural identities can be influenced by factors such as parents and important others, peers or teachers, language, and media; there are different stages in the development of cultural identities among these research subjects.



文化認同, 客家文化, 閩南文化, 閩客通婚, Cultural identities, Hakka Cultural, Minnan Culturel, Intermarriage





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