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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
本研究旨在探究資深諮商心理師從遭逢兒童青少年案主臨床困境到安頓身心之轉變歷程:以建構主義之紮根理論方法學,採半結構式一對一深度訪談進行;共邀請12 位資深諮商心理師自願參與研究。研究參與者年齡在40-59 歲之間,平均年齡45.7 歲;心理諮商工作資歷在15-27 年之間,平均年資為18.8 年;兒童青少年諮商工作年資在6-22 年之間,平均年資為11.8 年;其中2 位男性,10 位女性。研究結果發現,心理師從臨床困境到安頓身心的發展路徑猶如倒螺旋型,不同階段會遭遇不同的困境:心理師在不同階段採取不同方式努力解決與克服困境,不僅度過危機也有新的進步,不同階段間具有逐步累積增能與發展的延續性,從新手克服「應然」迷思,到學習遊戲治療學到柔軟與放鬆,再到個人議題的解決、接納生命限制,最後到發展生命哲學與身心靈自我照顧策略擴充個人內在資源處理困境;每個階段均起源於挫折、自我懷疑的困頓,爾後找到因應策略而成長,一次次累積,就形成倒螺旋式的進步。研究亦發現,心理師所經歷的臨床困境與安頓身心的經驗,會與其個人生命與專業的轉變相互關連與影響。最後本研究針對上述研究結果進行討論,並針對實務與未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this research was to explore how child counseling psychologists cope with difficult clients and take care of themselves. The grounded theory which followed the constructivism paradigm was adopted in the study. Data were collected by semi-structured individual in-depth interviews.Twelve experienced counseling psychologists (10 females and 2 males, age 40-59, mean age = 45.7) voluntarily participated in the study, with mean counseling experience of 18.8 years, and mean child and adolescent counseling experience of 11.8 years. The findings indicated that two major approacheswere applied byexperienced counseling psychologists for physical and emotional self-care: (a) life philosophy, and (b) religion or spirituality. The research study also found that a psychologist’s clinical difficulties and his/her self-careexperiences wereconnected with and affected by his/her personal and professional life transitions. Detailed results and suggestions for further research and practice were discussed.
The purpose of this research was to explore how child counseling psychologists cope with difficult clients and take care of themselves. The grounded theory which followed the constructivism paradigm was adopted in the study. Data were collected by semi-structured individual in-depth interviews.Twelve experienced counseling psychologists (10 females and 2 males, age 40-59, mean age = 45.7) voluntarily participated in the study, with mean counseling experience of 18.8 years, and mean child and adolescent counseling experience of 11.8 years. The findings indicated that two major approacheswere applied byexperienced counseling psychologists for physical and emotional self-care: (a) life philosophy, and (b) religion or spirituality. The research study also found that a psychologist’s clinical difficulties and his/her self-careexperiences wereconnected with and affected by his/her personal and professional life transitions. Detailed results and suggestions for further research and practice were discussed.