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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
本研究的目的在探討情緒表達矛盾的個別差異,分析個人層面的人格特質與文化層面的自我構念對情緒表達矛盾的影響,並進一步瞭解情緒表達矛盾與情緒調節策略的關聯,歸納出與情緒表達矛盾有關的重要因素。研究方法採問卷調查法,以台灣地區的大學生為研究對象,有效問卷348 份。研究工具有情緒表達矛盾量表、人格量表、自我構念量表和情緒調節策略量表等。運用t 考驗與階層迴歸等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下:(一)情緒表達矛盾有性別差異,男生的情緒表達矛盾高於女生。(二)在控制性別差異後,人格特質中的神經質可顯著預測情緒表達矛盾,但外向性的預測力未達顯著。(三)在排除性別與人格特質的影響後,文化自我構念的相依我可顯著預測情緒表達矛盾,但獨立我並未達顯著。(四)情緒表達矛盾與反芻思考、逃避疏離、分心放鬆等情緒調節策略呈正相關,與尋求支持策略呈負相關,在各項情緒調節策略中以反芻思考最能預測情緒表達矛盾。整體可知,人格特質中的神經質、文化自我構念的相依我、以及情緒調節策略的反芻思考這三者與情緒表達矛盾有較高的關聯,供心理健康領域的研究與輔導實務參考。
This study examined individual differences in ambivalence over emotional expression (AEE), including gender, personality traits, cultural self-construal, and emotion regulation strategies. A total of 348 undergraduate students completed a packet of questionnaires related to ambivalence over emotional expression, cultural self-construal, and emotion regulation strategies. Results:(1) There was gender difference in AEE, men are be significantly more ambivalent over expression than women. (2) After controlling for gender, neuroticism could significantly predict AEE, but extraversion could not. (3) After controlling for gender and personality traits, the interdependent self could significantly predict AEE, but independent self could not. (4) AEE was significantly predicted by the emotional regulation strategies of rumination, seeking support, avoidance, and distraction. Implications of these findings for future research in the area of emotion expression and health were discussed.
This study examined individual differences in ambivalence over emotional expression (AEE), including gender, personality traits, cultural self-construal, and emotion regulation strategies. A total of 348 undergraduate students completed a packet of questionnaires related to ambivalence over emotional expression, cultural self-construal, and emotion regulation strategies. Results:(1) There was gender difference in AEE, men are be significantly more ambivalent over expression than women. (2) After controlling for gender, neuroticism could significantly predict AEE, but extraversion could not. (3) After controlling for gender and personality traits, the interdependent self could significantly predict AEE, but independent self could not. (4) AEE was significantly predicted by the emotional regulation strategies of rumination, seeking support, avoidance, and distraction. Implications of these findings for future research in the area of emotion expression and health were discussed.