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本研究目的在探討新北市都會區國中七年級至九年級原住民學生為研究對象的學習適應的問題,探討原住民學生學校學習適應困難成因為何?並分析影響學習適應的相關因素。 本研究採取量化與半結構性訪談的研究方法,發放問卷至新北市都會區各個國中,共寄出1207份問卷,回收794份問卷,並訪問三位原住民學生,透過問卷與訪談資料,進行分析與詮釋,以達成研究目的。 研究發現如下: 一、在學習方法上: 原住民學生在學習技巧、學習計畫、學習內容分配、閱讀和作筆記的方法較弱。 二、在學習習慣上: 原住民學生在家邊看電視邊寫功課的習慣頗為明顯。 三、在學習態度上: 原住民學生,浸淫在都會區生存競爭的氛圍中,肯定認知 讀書是有價值的。 四、在學習環境上: 原住民學生在學習環境方面,對學校建築與設備最滿意。 五、在身心適應上: 原住民學生在自我觀念上對自我功課的要求高,並且對自己課業的好壞,表現出自我負責的態度。根據本研究的結論,提出對學校及家庭教育的一些建議。 從整個研究結果發現,原住民學生,如果與一般漢族學生做比較,還是處於學習落後的狀況。因此在體制化教育之下,學校老師與家長共同合作,對於原住民學生之個別差異,多一點關心,多一點體諒。指導其學習方法,協助孩子在學習上,能達到事半功倍之效果。
The purpose of this study is to discuss the issue of aboriginal students’ learning adaption difficulties, aiming at 7th to 9th graders in metropolitan area of New Taipei City, and to analyze the related factors which affect learning adaption. This study used quantified and semi-structured interview methodology by delivering questionnaires totaling 1207 copies, 794 of which were applicable, combined with 3 interviews with aboriginal students. All data was analyzed and interpreted to serve the purpose of the research. 1. On learning strategy, aboriginal students have weaker performance on learning skills, plan-making, allocation of learning content, reading and notes-taking. 2. On learning habits, the bad habit of doing homework while watching television is very clear among aboriginal students than among other students. 3. On learning attitude, aboriginal students, exposed to higher competition in metropolitan areas, recognize that studying is valuable. 4. On learning environment, aboriginal students are most satisfied with school buildings and facilities. 5. On mental and physical adaption, aboriginal students have higher demands for themselves on their schoolwork, and also show responsibility toward it. From the discoveries of the research aboriginal students studies are still falling behind ordinary Han students. Therefore, under the systematic education, the school teachers and parents should cooperate to care and to show understandings to individual aboriginal students. Moreover, they should also instruct students of how to learn and study, and to assist them reaching twice of the result with only half of effort.



都會區原住民, 原住民教育, 學習適應, metropolitan aboriginal, aboriginal education, learning adaption





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