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語言變異是語言發展的常態,語言教師之語言規範性常被外界寄予較高的期待,因此,以語言規範及語言變異兩對立概念為前提,深入探究華語教師語言社會變體表現為本研究主要目的。本研究旨在透過「文獻研究法」找出最受學者關注的台灣華語變體句式,運用「語料庫研究法」確立各變體句式句頻表現及共現詞語,再使用「語言樣本分析法」搭配CLAN軟體及FIAS觀察項目剖析教師語言社會變體句式表現,獲得具體結論如下: 台灣華語共存在23種特徵句式及6種代表性句式,其中以「有+V(P)」句式在「SINICA」及「NCCU」兩大語料庫中句頻表現最高,共現詞類以動作及物動詞(VC)數量最多,動作句賓動詞(VE)次之,「看」是共現率最高(1S12N25)的共現詞;華語實習教師語言則包含26種共現詞,其中也以動作及物動詞數量最多,動作句賓動詞次之,華語教師語言類型以交際延伸語(I3)數量最高,語料數以華裔教師(C組)背景者佔較多數,句類分布則採疑問句(S2)型式出現者最多。 本研究教師語言語料係來自多元國別的華語實習教師課堂語言實錄,結論發現社會變體句式存在台灣、大陸、華裔、外籍等各類型教師語言之中,期盼此研究結果可提供國際華語師資培訓機構、華語教師及華語學習者新思維,效法國際英語兼容並蓄之觀點,使語言社會變體在邁向新規範的進程中,得以受到應有的包容與尊重。
The purpose of this study is to explore the variant components of Chinese language student-teachers’ speech based on the two opposing concepts of language standardization and language variation This study was carried out using literature analysis to establish a list of variant patterns, corpus anallysis to calculate the frequency of each variant pattern to demonstrate collocation, and language sample analysis followed by CLAN and FIAS system to anatomize variant patterns of Chinese language student-teachers’ corpus. Results showed 23 variant patterns and 6 representative patterns in Taiwan Mandarin, with "you +V(P)" having the highest frequency both in SINICA and NCCU corpuses, the action transitive verb (VC) has the largest occurrences and "kan" has the highest rate of collocation (1S12N25) in both corpuses. However, in the corpus for language teachers, there are 26 collocations. Though VC still accounts for the largest amount in verb category, I3 (communicative extended language) is the most popular type and group C (Chinese heritage teachers) has the biggest distribution, with most of the sentences being S2(interrogative) sentences. This study found language variations in various backgrounds of language teachers and suggested to adopt the view of international Mandarin to show respect for language variations.



語言規範, 語言變異, 教師語言, 「有+ VP」句式, language standardization, language variation, teacher talk, "you+V(P)" pattern





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