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本研究主旨在探討閱讀教學對國小中年級學童創造力的影響。採用的方法是個案研究法,以臺北巿某國小四年級學生為研究對象,進行閱讀教學研究並觀察學童之創造力展現。根據閱讀教學實施的歷程與結果,本研究分析歸納了學生在創造力認知及情意上的表現。 同時,本研究還針對研究對象的閱讀動機做了深入的探討,並進一步提出提升閱讀動機的方法。另外,為了了解學童的閱讀理解情形,本研究亦分析了學生如何運用「連結」、「提問」與「預測」等三種閱讀策略的歷程。最後,本研究亦歸納整理了師生於教學中所遭遇到的各種困境及因應方式,以及學生的學習感受與研究者的專業成長。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of reading instruction for cultivating on the creativity of elementary school students. A cast study approach is used. The subjects are the fourth grade students in an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan. This research is based upon important literature of creativity recognition, reading motivations and the reading strategies and processes, such as connection, query, and prediction. In addition, this research also summaries the difficulties and resolutions related to teaching and learning. The research findings reveal that both students’ and teacher’s creativity. In the process, the researcher conducts are greatly enhanced in-class observations, collected teachers’ memos, and interviewed students and teachers. The following are my conclusions. (1) Promoting reading instruction could increase reading motivation. Students’ reading motivation can be transformed from external to internal. The enjoyment of reading is increased and reading habit maybe established. (2) By adopting different reading straegies, the students can raise their understanding, observation ability, organization ability, and the impacts in reception. (3) Through the increase of motivation and comprehension, both the students’ and teacher’s creativity has also increased. Consequently, the students are able to ask more questions and think more deeply in practicing the cause-effect logic thinking. Therefore, the reading instruction can be concluded to have positive effects in promoting the creativity, recognition , and attitude of learning of the students.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of reading instruction for cultivating on the creativity of elementary school students. A cast study approach is used. The subjects are the fourth grade students in an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan. This research is based upon important literature of creativity recognition, reading motivations and the reading strategies and processes, such as connection, query, and prediction. In addition, this research also summaries the difficulties and resolutions related to teaching and learning. The research findings reveal that both students’ and teacher’s creativity. In the process, the researcher conducts are greatly enhanced in-class observations, collected teachers’ memos, and interviewed students and teachers. The following are my conclusions. (1) Promoting reading instruction could increase reading motivation. Students’ reading motivation can be transformed from external to internal. The enjoyment of reading is increased and reading habit maybe established. (2) By adopting different reading straegies, the students can raise their understanding, observation ability, organization ability, and the impacts in reception. (3) Through the increase of motivation and comprehension, both the students’ and teacher’s creativity has also increased. Consequently, the students are able to ask more questions and think more deeply in practicing the cause-effect logic thinking. Therefore, the reading instruction can be concluded to have positive effects in promoting the creativity, recognition , and attitude of learning of the students.
閱讀教學, 創造力, 閱讀策略, instruction of reading, creativity, strategies of reading