

本研究探討教學活動中導入PDA後,對教師教學與學生的影響。探討的應包括教學方法、教學信念、師生互動、學習成效與自我控制學習等五個方面探討。本研究以個案研究法實施,研究對象為某國小自然科教師及其任課之五年級的34名學生,教學內容為「自然與生活科技領域」的三個單元。研究結果發現透過適當的教學活動規劃與教學軟體的輔助,學生對於PDA的接受度很高,且PDA確實能提供學生許多的學習輔助,例如:繪製概念圖、透過PDA中的教學資源輔助實驗進行與撰寫小組實驗報告等。PDA的應用,增進了學生小組合作學習與主動學習的機會。個案教師的教學信念也因為PDA的應用後有所改變,逐漸將學習重心還給學生本身。然而,教師在導入PDA的過程中也遭遇到一些問題,例如:藍芽傳輸的問題、學生沒有良好的存檔習慣與PDA電力的維持等。 關鍵詞:行動學習、個案研究、國小自然
This study aims to investigate effects of using PAD in assisting teaching and learning of elementary science subject. The effects of explored from the following five aspects: teaching methods, teaching beliefs, teacher/students interactions, students’ performance and self-control learning. The case selected was a science and living technology teacher who was teaching a year 5 class with 34 students. The results show that students appreciated using PDAs in learning. They considered the concept mapping tool and learning resources provided in the PDAs very helpful. Using PDAs also promoted students’ cooperative learning and active learning. In addition, it had effect on changing the case teacher’s teaching belief from teacher-center to student-canter. However,, there were problems encountered when integrating PDAs into learning activities, such as Bluetooth transmission failures, limited battery time, and students’ unfamiliar with PDA operations. Key words: Mobile learning, Case study, Elementary science



行動學習, 個案研究, 國小自然, Mobile learning, Case study, Elementary science





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