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文化創意產業的興起已是全球必然的趨勢,隨著全球創意經濟的競爭,傳統的學習模式已無法滿足這個時代對知識與知識跨界的渴求,學學文創因應世界潮流與社會的需求,關心國內文化創意產業的發展,成立國內第一家文化創意產業育成機構,期望成為國內文化創意產業「跨界的」、「體驗的」的學習平台。 本研究透過質性研究的方式,與研究參與者進行深度訪談,並實際進入學學文創多次的觀察、參與課程及活動,加以文件資料的比對,探討學學文化創意產業教育訓練課程創造之歷程,且以Amabile創造力理論之領域相關知識與技能、工作動機與創意相關技能三個面向來探討教育訓練課程運作模式與課程內涵,以及參與教育訓練課程學員之課後感想、心得與回饋,並根據研究結果提出建議。 本研究主要發現及所得結論如下: 一、教育訓練課程之研發符合創造力理論並依循創造歷程: (一) 因應社會環境轉型之需求創辦文創學習平台。 (二) 銜接產學分離,聘請業界菁英培育創意產業人才。 (三) 職能課程深度學習,議題課程拓展視野。 (四) 成立國際部門,讓台灣文創與國際接軌。 (五) 國人對文創產業認知模糊,辦學理想與市場需求出現落差 二、參與學員之感受與心得 (一) 在職進修、跨領域學習與終生學習齊頭並進。 (二) 增進學員創意啟發與運用。 (三) 學習的困難與限制:1.交通不便,增加交通費用與時間;2.課程不分級,難以顧及不同需求;3.課程時數過短,學習效果有限
The rising of the Culture and Creative industries has been a global trend. Due to such global creative competition, traditional learning model is no longer able to meet the need for knowledge learning and interdisciplinary exchange in this era. Faced such a need, the Xue Xue Institute was established. It is the first institute in Taiwan that focuses on creative talent development and aims to provide an interdisciplinary and experiential learning platform for the Culture and Creative Industries. Through the qualitative approach, this study used interview, observation, and document content analysis to obtain data related to training program development at the Xue Xue Institute. This study used the theory, Creativity in Context of Amabile, as a framework and discussed training operation and curriculum content from three aspects, domain-relevant skills, task motivation, and creativity-relevant skills. Finally, based on participants’ reflection and research findings, this study provides suggestions. The findings of this research are as follow: First, the training development at the Xue Xue Institute went through the stages of creativity process. 1. The training program provided culture and creative learning platform to meet the change in the society. 2. Practitioners in culture and creative industries were invited to teach in the training program. 3. Participants’ international vision was extended through in-depth learning. 4. Xue Xue established international department for global connection. 5. Due to vague understanding of culture and creative industry in the society, the learning vision of Xue Xue institute seems not to fit with the market. Second, participants shared their reflections and suggestions. 1. Xue Xue provided them with opportunities for continuing, interdisciplinary, and lifelong learning. 2. The training enhanced participants’ creativity and application. 3. Learners also identified their learning difficulties, including traffic expense and time, mixed course regardless of individual differences, and limited learning results due to short course time.



創造歷程, Amabile創造力理論, 課程研發, creative process, Creativity in Context of Amabile, training program development





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