

本研究之主要目的在探討全面品質管理的相關理論,以建構國小總務工作全面品質管理之指標及權重,並提供國小總務工作同仁提昇工作品質的參考。 本研究採用德懷術及階層分析法進行研究,首先,透過探討全面品質管理的概念及國小總務工作實務等文獻資料,建構以全面品質管理為基礎的國小總務工作品質指標,並針對指標構面及指標項目的重要程度、適切程度編成五等量尺的問卷作為德懷術的研究工具,並對八位專家群進行二次的問卷調查。 由德懷術所取得指標構面及項目的共識,及科史單一樣本適合度考驗的結果,編製成階層分析問卷,經八位專家再次填答取得各指標項目的權重,所得指標構面及權重如下:「領導」權重為17.9%、「資訊分析」權重為8.5%、「策略計畫」權重為21.4%、「人力資源管理」權重為17.0%、「過程品管」權重為16.6%與「顧客服務」權重為18.5%。此六個構面又細分為四十個指標項目。
Based on the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM), this study attempted to construct the quality indicators and weightings for primary school general affairs. It is hoped that this report can be viewed as a reference document for the primary school general affairs personnel. This study applied the Delphi technique, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test. Documents related to the actual experience in primary school general affairs were analyzed and work quality indicators were constructed. Based on the importance and appropriateness, these quality indicators were classified into six areas which were further divided into forty work quality indicators. Questionnaire was designed with five ratings on each question and this questionnaire was sent twice to eight specialists. From the feedback of these specialists, weightings of the six work quality indicator areas were obtained. They are leadership (17.9%), information analysis (8.5%), strategic planning (21.4%), human resource management (17.0%), procedural quality control (16.6%), and customer service (18.5%).



全面品質管理, 總務工作, 德懷術, 階層程序分析法, Total Quality Management (TQM), General Affairs Work, Delphi Technique, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)





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