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流行音樂具有不受語言或文化隔閡限制的特性,隸屬於文化創意產業一環,所帶來的經濟產值不容忽視。流行音樂產業歷經70年代起的蓬勃發展,而今全球數位化的衝擊、盜版猖獗,消費者行為轉變而日漸衰退,迫使產業經營結構轉型,音樂展演活動即成為另一營收的主要來源。音樂展演活動包含規模不等的演唱會或各項商業演出,其中Live House(音樂展演空間)為眾多歌手或樂團的搖籃,提供觀眾親臨現場的獨特體驗,近距離接觸與互動感更是無法取代的。以全球服務為核心與滿足消費者期望之體驗的時代來臨,此一體驗經濟促使了服務設計的發展。服務本身不像產品般看的見、摸得著,是無形且不可分割的,而不同消費者感受也有所差異,且在接觸感受後便即消失。服務業產值至今已佔GDP最高比例,成為經濟動能重要來源之一。 本研究主要應用服務設計於音樂展演活動進行探討,案例分析以深入訪談法與參與觀察法進行,將研究案例分為訪談演出者及參與活動進行觀察,以此統整訪談結果及觀察分析,進行重點歸納整理。並依據觀察與訪談結果對應中發現,活動整體服務過程確實有尚未滿足與待改善的情況,透過現有接觸點與設計項目分析,探究其待改善或可再強化之潛在接觸點,與可能存在未被滿足之創見接觸點,以此進行規劃可能設計之方向。 研究結果發現服務設計於音樂展演活動可統整為三個層面。 1. 關係組織面:服務設計者首要工作需先界定服務系統之主要關係組織,與其他可能之次要關係組織,並透過關係組織的瞭解,為組織之間共創良好的服務接觸點,共同獲得最高效益。 2. 技術資源面:透過音樂產業、全球趨勢與現況進行瞭解,主因在科技技術不斷的進步,消費者的行為因此隨之變化萬千。為因應數位化時代,需全面性瞭解現有可用之技術與資源,以開創符合需求的新接觸點之設計項目。 3. 設計領域面:服務設計領域分為多層的專業角度,各別產出結果與顧客間形成直接或間接、有形或無形的接觸,進而影響觀眾整體感受,因此皆屬服務設計領域的範疇。 服務設計是一項跨領域、跨組織的設計,難以倚靠單一設計專業予以完成。服務設計者首先需深入瞭解所有參與的組織,並以使用者角度觀察其接觸點,與實際設計項目進行分析,以此探究如何提供更美好的服務體驗,並結合相關的各個組織,以使用者為中心共同創造整體且一致的服務。
Pop music, as a cultural and creative industry, is characteristically free from the language or cultural barriers and creates considerable economic output. The pop music industry has enjoyed a flourishing development since the 1970s, but it’s now declining due to the impacts of global digitalization, rampant piracy and changes in consumer behaviors. The restructure of industrial management is inevitable and necessary. Music performance activities, therefore, have become another major source of revenue, ranging from music concerts of all sizes to various commercial performances. Among others, live house (space for music performances), the cradle of singers and bands, offers unique experiences such as unmatchable close contact and interaction with the audience. A new era has arrived, an era with global service at its core and focusing on consumers-oriented experience. Such an experience-centered economy has prompted the development of service design. The service design itself, unlike the visible and tangible products, is intangible and invisible; producing varied feelings in consumers, but the service will disappear right after the contact and the experience. Service industry has accounted for the highest proportion of GDP, and has become an important source of economic momentum. The application of this research is to discuss and to explore the service designs in music performance activities. The case study is analyzed by in-depth interviews and participant observations. The case study data consists of artists’ interview data and the participant observation data, which are combined and reorganized for analysis. Based on the data analysis, this research have found that there is still room for improvement in the overall service process. By analyzing the existing contact points and project design analysis, the goal of this study is to explore the potential contact points in further improvement or enhancement, as well as the contact points for the possible existence of unsatisfied original ideas, to establish possible design directions. The results suggest that the service design for music performance activities falls into three dimensions. 1. The relationship dimension: Firstly, the service designers should identify the principal relations in the service system, as well as other possible relations of less importance. Then with an understanding of all relations, they should strive to create good contact points between and among different relations to maximize their common interests. 2. The technique dimension: Learning from the music industry, the global trends and current situations, it is clear that the continuous improvement of techniques in science and technology have largely contributed to the changes in consumer behaviors. In response to the Digital Age, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the existing available technology and resources in order to create new design projects which the contact points are in accordance with consumers’ needs. 3. The design dimension: The service design is divided into multi-level perspective, individual outputs are formed between the results of direct or indirect, tangible or intangible contacts with the consumers, and thereby affecting consumers’ overall experience. Thus, the expertise of all dimensions falls into the scope of service design field. Service design as an interdisciplinary and cross-organizational design is difficult to rely on single professional design to be complete. Service designers first need to understand all the participating organizations , observe the contact points from users’ perspective, and then analyze the actual design project, before they set out exploring how to provide a better service experience. In combination with other related organizations, they will finally create a user-centered comprehensive and consistent service.



服務設計, 接觸點, 音樂展演活動, Service design, contact point, music performance activities





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