《全方位中文》於「敘利亞難民華語文伴學計畫」之實踐與評估 - 以土耳其滿納海國際學校爲例
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教育是能幫助難民學童對未來再次產生希望的唯一途徑。隨著科技的發展,「線上伴學」藉用網際網路與數位學習平臺,跨越時間與空間的障礙,不但能在課業上輔導難民學童學習成長,也給他們心靈上的支持與平安,讓他們體驗到人間的溫暖,而不要存著報復仇恨的種子。因此難民教育的重要性是不可被忽視與低估的。本研究探討使用COOL Chinese eMPOWER中文字詞句教學平臺的教材《全方位中文》於「敘利亞難民華語文伴學計畫」中,對於敘利亞難民在學習華語上的幫助與成效。研究對象為兩位母語為阿拉伯語,第二語為土耳其語的敘利亞難民高中生。她們完全没有接觸過華語,是零起點的學習者。經過三個月的線上華語課程後,進行總結性學習評量與成果分析,得到以下研究結果:(一)《全方位中文》運用系統性的課程編排與線上教學活動來提升學習成效。(二)學習者的總結式評量測驗結果顯示《全方位中文》在敘利亞難民華語「聽、說、讀、寫」四個面向的學習有不同的成效。在「聽與說」方面,《全方位中文》對於幫助學習者學習詞彙與句型上有相當的成效,讓學習者可以在有控制性的語境下來與教師進行口語溝通,但是在拼音與聲調方面卻没有幫助學習者達到學習成效。在「讀與寫」方面,《全方位中文》使用的「筆順教學法」不是一種適合難民學習者辨讀漢字的教學策略。建議採取經過實驗證明,能有效使用圖像來幫助漢字記憶的教學法,如「鍵接圖教學法」。最後,研究者藉由土耳其「滿納海國際學校」的難民學習者爲例,對以難民為對象的華語教學提出注意事項與建議,期望能對難民華語教學有所助益。
Education is the only way to help refugee children regain hope for the future. With the development of technology, “online tutoring” uses the Internet and various digital learning platforms to transcend the barriers of time and space. It not only helps refugee students learn and grow in their studies, but also provides them with psychological support and peace, allowing them to experience the warmth of the world without harboring the seeds of revenge and hatred. Therefore, the significance of refugee education can neither be ignored nor underestimated.This study explores the effectiveness of using SMART Chinese, one of the teaching materials in COOL Chinese eMPOWER Platform, to teach Chinese in a special project called, “Learning Partner Program with Syrian refugee students”. The research subjects were two Syrian refugee high school students whose first language was Arabic and second language was Turkish. They have no exposure to Chinese at all and are zero beginners. After three months of online courses, learning outcome and test analysis were conducted. The following research results were obtained: First, SMART Chinese uses systematic course arrangement and teaching activities to improve learning effectiveness. Second, SMART Chinese evaluation test provides objective summative evaluation and analysis. The evaluation results showed that using SMART Chinese is effective for learners in learning vocabulary and sentence patterns, but it does not help learners to achieve the same outcome in terms of Chinese pinyin and its four different tones. SMART Chinese has shown different effectiveness in teaching Chinese"Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing" to Syrian refugees. In the aspect of “Listening and Speaking”, learners can communicate with the teacher orally in a controlled context, but they have considerable difficulties in identifying the pinyin and four tones of Chinese characters. In the aspect of “Reading and Writing”, the “Stroke Order Teaching Method” used in SMART Chinese is not a suitable teaching strategy for refugee learners to learn to recognize Chinese characters. It is recommended toadopt the teaching method that has been proven by experiments to be effective in using images to help memorize Chinese characters, such as the"Key-image Mnemonics". Finally, by taking the example of refugee learners at “El-Menahil International School” in Turkey, researcher presents suggestions and recommendations for Chinese language teaching targeted at refugees. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to Chinese language education for refugees.
Education is the only way to help refugee children regain hope for the future. With the development of technology, “online tutoring” uses the Internet and various digital learning platforms to transcend the barriers of time and space. It not only helps refugee students learn and grow in their studies, but also provides them with psychological support and peace, allowing them to experience the warmth of the world without harboring the seeds of revenge and hatred. Therefore, the significance of refugee education can neither be ignored nor underestimated.This study explores the effectiveness of using SMART Chinese, one of the teaching materials in COOL Chinese eMPOWER Platform, to teach Chinese in a special project called, “Learning Partner Program with Syrian refugee students”. The research subjects were two Syrian refugee high school students whose first language was Arabic and second language was Turkish. They have no exposure to Chinese at all and are zero beginners. After three months of online courses, learning outcome and test analysis were conducted. The following research results were obtained: First, SMART Chinese uses systematic course arrangement and teaching activities to improve learning effectiveness. Second, SMART Chinese evaluation test provides objective summative evaluation and analysis. The evaluation results showed that using SMART Chinese is effective for learners in learning vocabulary and sentence patterns, but it does not help learners to achieve the same outcome in terms of Chinese pinyin and its four different tones. SMART Chinese has shown different effectiveness in teaching Chinese"Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing" to Syrian refugees. In the aspect of “Listening and Speaking”, learners can communicate with the teacher orally in a controlled context, but they have considerable difficulties in identifying the pinyin and four tones of Chinese characters. In the aspect of “Reading and Writing”, the “Stroke Order Teaching Method” used in SMART Chinese is not a suitable teaching strategy for refugee learners to learn to recognize Chinese characters. It is recommended toadopt the teaching method that has been proven by experiments to be effective in using images to help memorize Chinese characters, such as the"Key-image Mnemonics". Finally, by taking the example of refugee learners at “El-Menahil International School” in Turkey, researcher presents suggestions and recommendations for Chinese language teaching targeted at refugees. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to Chinese language education for refugees.
難民教育, 華語文伴學計畫, 全方位中文, 漢字教學, 線上教學, Refugee Education, Learning Partner Program, SMART Chinese, Chinese Character Teaching, Online Teaching