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本研究旨在探討高職生在國中升學之際選擇到高職就讀的升學決策因素、職業興趣與學校生活適應在不同背景變項的差異情形,並探討這三個變項間的關係。採立意抽樣,共抽取台北市四所高職:北市南港高工、北市士林高商、北市育達商職、北市開南商工,符合Holland六大興趣類型的十一種類科,高二與高三的學生,有效樣本合計738人。本研究以調查法進行資料搜集,使用之工具包括「影響國中畢業生升學高級職業學校之主要因素問卷」、「大學入學考試中心興趣量表」、「高職學生學校生活問卷」。所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析處理,研究結果如下: 一、高職生選擇到高職就讀的升學決策因素,因性別不同、科別不同而有達統計上之顯著差異,但不因年級、居住地區、主要照顧者教育程度等變項不同而有顯著差異。 二、高職生的職業興趣,因性別不同而有達統計上顯著差異。男生在實際型、研究型、企業型上的得分較高。女生在藝術型、社會型上的得分較高。 三、高職生的學校生活適應,因年級不同、科別不同有達統計上顯著差異,但不因性別、居住地區、主要照顧者教育程度等背景變項不同而有顯著不同。 四、高職生的升學決策因素與學校生活適應有兩組典型相關存在。 五、高職生的職業興趣與學校生活適應有一組典型相關存在。 六、不同背景變項、升學決策因素對學校生活適應有預測力,其中背景變項中的「科別」、「年級」與升學決策因素中的「家庭」因素,對學校生活適應有預測力。 最後研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議以作為高職生生涯輔導工作及未來研究參考。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference and relationship of the main factors for entering vocational high school, vocational interests and school life adaptations among various backgrounds of vocational high school students. The study also investigated the relationship among the main factors for entering vocational high school , vocational interests and school life adaptations. Sampling method is selected purposeful sampling. The samples of the research consists four vocational high schools in Taipei city, including Nangang Vacational High School, Shilin High School of Commerce, Yu Da High School of Commerce and Home Economics and KaiNan High School of Commerce and Industry. The sampled 11 subjects in the schools are corresponding to Holland’s career typology. There are totally 738 students, including 11-grade students and 12-grade students in the study. The study gathers information by questionnaire surveys. The instruments applied include the factors affecting for influencing junior high school graduates to enter vocational high schools in Taipei City、the Vocational Interest Inventory、the School-Life Experience Questionnaire for vocational high school students。The obtained data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, canonical correlation analysis, the stepwise regression analysis. The main results are below: 1.Decision factors for entering vocational high school varied significantly in different sex and in different subjects. But it is not significant among grades, living area and caregivers’ education level. 2.Vocational interests were varied significantly in different sex. Males’ preferences were Realistic ,Investigative, and Enterprising types. Females’ preferences were Artistic and Social types. 3.The school life adaptation varied significantly in grade and subject. But it is not significant in sex, living area and caregivers’ education level. 4.There were two significant canonical correlations between decision factor and school life adaptation. 5.There was one significant canonical correlation between vocational interest and school life adaptation. 6.The background variable and decision factor can predict school life adaptation. The “subject”, “grade” in background variables and “family” in decision factor are useful for predicting school life adaptation. Based on these results, some implications were discussed and suggestions on future research were also proposed.



升學決策因素, 職業興趣, 學校生活適應, 生涯抉擇, 國中生, 高職生, the main factors for entering vocational high school, the vocational interests, school life adjustment, career decision-making, junior high school students, vocational high school students





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