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社區營造推動二十餘年的過程,一直存有政府部門及民間組織的困境,但卻鮮少搭配研究理論進行檢視,以瞭解其中的原因或調整推動的模式,故本研究以T. Cresswell對地方研究的三個取向為基礎,再結合林振春的「學習型社區營造三維結構理論」,從其所綜整之台灣社區營造實務推展經驗,並挑選由民間自主發展的基隆市壯觀社區為對象,探討都會區居民認識及認同在地文化的主要議題及策略方法,經由文件分析與非結構訪談相關重要人士,獲得如下結論:一、壯觀社區所關注的在地文化主題有三大類1. 地方差異面:社會文史脈絡、地方人力資源、在地生態環境。2. 制度結構面:建立社造體制、協商改善制度。3. 價值行動面:凝聚地方情感、實踐環保行動、培育重點族群、發展地方節慶。二、壯觀社區促進居民認識及認同的策略方法有三大項1. 教育性:認識社區了解問題、提升居民多元能力、傳承及推廣成果。2. 自主性:由淺到深的接觸體驗、由被動到主動的參與、由自助到共好的行動。3. 永續性:推動內部整合、進行周邊串連、擴大跨域平台。本研究針對研究結論提出對都會社區與政府單位執行上的建議。再綜整歸納有助於地方自主及組織永續發展的必要條件,提供其他縣市或民間組織未來推動都會型社造工作參考。
In the process of community empowerment for more than 20 years, there has always been a dilemma for government departments and non-governmental organizations, but they are rarely examined with research theories to understand the reasons or adjust the promotion model. This research is based on Tim Cresswell's three orientations on local studies,combined with Lin Zhen-chun's "Theory of Three-Dimensional Structure of Learning Community empowerment", from his comprehensive experience in Taiwan's community empowerment practice, and selected the Zhuang-guan community in Keelung , which was developed independently by the people, to discuss the main issues and strategies for residents of the metropolitan area to recognize and identify with local culture, through document analysis and interviews with relevant key figures, the following conclusions are obtained:1.There are three types of local cultural themes concerned by the Zhuang-guan community:(1) Local differences:social, cultural and historical context, local human resources, and local ecological environment.(2) Institutional structure:establish the system of community empowerment and negotiate to improve the system.(3) Conscious action:condensing the emotion of place , practicing environmental protection actions, cultivating key groups, and developing local festivals.2.There are three main strategies for the the Zhuang-guan community to promote awareness and identification with residents.(1) Educational: To understand the problems of community , to enhance the diverse abilities of the residents, to inherit and promote the achievements.(2) Autonomy:from shallow to deep contact experience, from passive to active participation, from self-help to mutual benefit actions.(3) Sustainability: Promote internal integration, connect surroundings, and expand cross-domain platforms.This study puts forward recommendations for the implementation of urban communities and government units based on the findings of the study. Re-integrating and summarizing the necessary conditions that are conducive to local autonomy and the sustainable development of organizations, provide reference for other counties or non-governmental organizations to promote urban community empowerment in the future.



都會型社造, 在地文化, 地方認同, 社區營造, 社造家族, urban community, local culture, local identity, community empowerment





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