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自1993年,HTML Draft版被正式推出,引發新興的網際網路市場革命;1998年,XML 1.0正式成為W3C公開建議的規格後,則引領推出更多以XML為基礎的延伸語言,同時也推動網際網路進入語意網路的應用領域。1999年,美國專家Jay Cross先生提出e-Learning這個名詞,開啟了企業與學校對e-Learning的關注。「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,台灣政府更明訂數位學習為重點發展項目之一。隨著這幾年的發展,臺灣在SCORM的基礎上也建立出一個更加符合臺灣教育環境使用的TW LOM規範。日益增多的學習物件在儲存的技術上則開始朝向聯合儲存庫的應用方式;因此,學習物件的分享與再用,如何在這個走向聯合儲存庫的應用潮流裡,更容易地被發現與再用,則是一個值得探討的議題。 本研究透過語意網路的技術,採用RDF、OWL來解決學習物件分享再用的問題;而學習物件的分享再用也同時涉及到智慧財產權、與學習物件編碼議題,因此,本研究也提出以XrML來解決Creative Commons在TW LOM中版權資訊功能不足的問題,並採用OID來克服學習物件編碼議題;最後,結合本研究所發展的語意化學習物件分享再用平台,也同時發展一個整合學習內容編輯工具與此學習物件分享再用平台的整合性軟體元件OntoAgent,來提昇學習內容創作的效率。本文最後並透過實驗證明本研究發展的語意化學習物件分享再用平台能提昇使用滿意度,且證明OntoAgent工具能明顯提昇學習內容創作的效率。
The internet revolution, World Wide Web, was fired after the HTML draft was published in 1993. In 1998, XML drives the internet into the second-wave revolution, Semantic Web. Since the term “e-learning” was coined by Jay Cross in 1999, e-learning had been introduced into enterprises and schools. Meanwhile, e-learning was also subsumed by Taiwan government in the “Challenge 2008 - National Development Plan”. Under this wave, many courseware and learning objects were developed; TW LOM, a local learning objects standard in Taiwan, was also introduced. In order to utilize the courseware and learning objects, how to provide sharing and reusing of contents by federal repositories becomes an important issue. In this thesis, we use RDF and OWL technologies to facilitate sharing and reusing of the learning objects. In addition, XrML is used to resolve the intellectual property issue of content sharing and reusing. OID is also introduced as the unique identifier of the learning objects. In our Semantic Platform, we develop a software component, OntoAgent, to provide the connection between commercial authoring tools and our platform. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that OntoAgent can improve the content development performance and user satisfaction.



語意網路, 資源描述框架, 知識本體論語言, 物件識別碼, 可延伸版權標記語言, 台灣學習物件後設資料, Semantic Web, RDF, OWL, OID, XrML, TW LOM





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