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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU


技職教育的首要目標在規劃符合產業脈動的課程內涵,培育能為產業所用的專業技術人才,研究旨在由產業需求觀點建構技職教育之髮型設計師培育課程,期能有助於改善學用落差問題。本研究採用焦點團體訪談法及德懷術問卷調查法,首先,邀請7 位美髮行業專家進行焦點團體訪談會議,將相關職能群組分組,並討論各職能群組相對應之科目大綱與內涵。隨後,將會議結果編製成德懷術調查問卷,邀請15 位美髮教師進行問卷填答。研究結果發現:髮型設計師的職場專業能力共分為:頭髮及皮膚、店務與顧客管理、洗護髮、染燙、剪吹造型、工作環境安全衛、化妝等7 個群組。技職教育培育髮型設計師之科目大綱43 項以及科目內涵149 項,其中適合高職培育有33 項科目大綱、114 項科目內涵;至於,適合技專校院培育有10 項科目大綱、35 項科目內涵,本研究成果可提供高職、技專校院規劃髮型設計師培育課程,以及提供勞動部勞動力發展署規劃髮型設計師之養成訓練與員工在職訓練課程時參考。
The primary objectives of Technological & Vocational Education are the planning of curriculum to meet the demand of industry, and the cultivation of professional andtechnical personnel. This study aims to develop occupational competency based curriculum in line with industry needs and construct hair stylist training courses suitablefor technological & vocational education, so as to improve the gap between learning and practicing. With the method of focus group interview and questionnaire survey, 7experts from hairdressing & beauty industry were invited to conduct focus group interview. Experts were divided into different groups according to the relevantoccupational competency, and the corresponding course syllabus and content were discussed. The results of the discussion were later complied into questionnaire and 15experts of academics were invited to validate the questionnaire.The study result shows that the professional competencies of a hairstylist are divided into seven groups:Studying clients'facial features the salon and then advising them on the best hair style and skin care, up selling salon products and services to meet sales targets and educating clients on products which could lead to sales and also clients satisfaction, washing and conditioning hair, straightening, coloring and weaving hair, styling and cutting hair, keeping the salon and equipment safe and clean, providing make up requirements. The study shows that there are 43 items of course syllabus, 149 items of course content required in the cultivation of hair stylist under technological & vocational education, within which 33 items of course syllabus and 114items of course content are suitable for vocational high schools, 10 items of course syllabus and 35 items of course content are suitable for technological & vocational colleges. The results of the study provide reference for the planning and development of hair stylist training courses in vocational high schools, technological & vocational co






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