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本研究旨在探討「親密之旅人際能力訓練課程」對課程學員人際能力及情緒調節策略之影響。本研究方法採用準實驗設計,以新北市某間教會28位會友為對象,有意願報名參加課程者為實驗組,控制組則為徵選背景與實驗組相似並有意願受試的另外28人。實驗組接受為期十二週,每週二個小時,共二十四小時的親密之旅人際能力訓練課程;控制組未接受實驗處理。本研究之自變項為實驗處理;依變項為人際能力和情緒調節策略二類,測量工具為王慶福等人(1997)所編製之「人際親密能力量表」、及董秀美(2001)參考Cross情緒調節歷程概念並其他相關問卷編製而成之「情緒調節策略量表」。所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行統計考驗,並以成員填寫的課程評量表、課程回饋問卷及口頭回饋資料作為研究結果的佐證與補充。實驗處理結果主要如下所示:一、「親密之旅人際能力訓練課程」對實驗組和控制組在「人際親密能力量表」後測之分數達顯著差異。 二、「親密之旅人際能力訓練課程」對實驗組和控制組在「情緒調節策略量表」之 正向情緒調節策略的後測分數達顯著差異。 三、「親密之旅人際能力訓練課程」對實驗組和控制組在「情緒調節策略量表」之 負向情緒調節策略的後測分數未達顯著差異。 最後本研究根據以上之結果,對實務工作者、政策擬定者及未來研究者,提出幾點建議作為參考。
This research aims to explore the influence of the" Intimacy-Interpersonal Competence Training Course " on the interpersonal competence and emotional regulation strategies of course participants. This research method adopts a quasi-experimental design, with 28 members of a church in New Taipei City as the object. Those who are willing to sign up for the course are the experimental group, and the control group is the selection of another 28 people who have similar backgrounds to the experimental group and are willing to take the test.The experimental group received a twelve-week, two-hour-per-week, twenty-four-hour interpersonal communication training course for the journey to intimacy; the control group did not receive experimental treatment. The independent variables of this study are the experimental treatments; the dependent variables are two types of interpersonal ability and emotion regulation strategies. The measurement tools are the"Interpersonal Intimacy Scale" compiled by Wang Qingfu et al. (1997), and Dong Xiumei (2001) Refer to the "Emotion Regulation Strategy Scale" compiled by referring to the concept of Cross Emotion Regulation Process and other related questionnaires. The obtained data is statistically tested by single factor covariate analysis, and the course evaluation form, course feedback questionnaire and interview results filled out by the members are used as support and supplement to the research results. 1.The " Intimacy - Interpersonal Competence Training Course" for the experimental group and the control group after the "Interpersonal Intimacy Competence Questionnaire "The test scores reached a significant difference. 2. The " Intimacy - Interpersonal Competence Training Course" has the effect on the experimental group and the control group in the "Emotion Regulation Strategy Scale". There are significant differences in the post-test scores of positive emotion regulation strategies. 3. The" Intimacy - Interpersonal Competence Training Course" has the effect on the experimental group and the control group in the "Emotion Regulation Strategy Scale".The post-test scores of negative emotion regulation strategies did not reach a significant difference. Finally, based on the above results, this research puts forward some suggestions for practical workers, policy planners and future researchers as references.



人際能力, 人際關係, 親密之旅, interpersonal competence, interpersonal relationship, the journey to intimacy





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