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本研究旨在瞭解新北市國中「攜手計畫課後扶助」方案實施之現況。主要探討不同背景變項之教師對學校「攜手計畫課後扶助」方案實施現況及執行困境之知覺程度是否不同。 為達上述目的,本研究採調查問卷法,以新北市參與攜手計畫課後扶助方案之行政業務相關教師及課輔教師為母群體,透過抽樣調查,以自編之「新北市國中「攜手計畫課後扶助」方案實施現況調查問卷」進行量測,共發放250份問卷,回收之有效問卷207份。經採描述性統計進行百分比次數分配、平均數、獨立樣本T檢定、變異數分析不同背景教師的贊同程度是否具有顯著性的差異情形等統計分析獲得下列幾項結論: 壹、新北市國中教師對於「攜手計畫─課後扶助」方案實施現況的認同度普遍不高,且普遍感到在實際的執行上存在困難與壓力。 貳、新北市國中學校辦理「攜手計畫-課後扶助」方案之補救教學多限於升學考試科目,而未能提供弱勢低成就學生多元學習的機會。 參、新北市國中對於「攜手計畫-課後扶助」補救教學之規劃,不論在教師專業、教材教法與學生個別化需求等方面之安排,均未臻理想。 肆、新北市都會地區國中教師對「攜手計畫─課後扶助」方案實施現況之贊同 程度高於鄉鎮地區及偏遠地區學校教師;而任教於大規模學校教師,也顯著高於小規模學校教師。 伍、新北市國中擔任不同補救教學科目之教師,對學校「攜手計畫-課後扶助」方案執行所遭遇困境之知覺有顯著差異,尤其以數學領域教師在教學實施的看法最為不同。 陸、新北市國中教師對學校「攜手計畫-課後扶助」方案實施現況及執行困境之知覺,不會因其性別、任教年資、教育程度、擔任職務及專業領域之不同而有顯著差異。 依據上述的研究結論歸納整理提出建議,供教育行政機關學校行政人員、教師及有志於教育研究的同仁後續研究之參考。
This research aims to understand the present implemetations of the “Hand in Hand After School Tutoring Program” in junior high schools in New Taipei City . It aims to investigate whether and how the teachers’ backgrounds may affect their perceptions of this program and problems of its implementations. Therefore,to attain the objectives above, 250 questionnaires titled “The Present Implementations of the ‘Hand in Hand After School Tutoring Program’ in Junior High Schools in New Taipei City” were made and given to tutors and teachers responsible for the administrative work, and 207 copies were effective. Percentage frequency distributions, average, independent sample T test, and ANOVA received from descriptive statistics are discussed and analyzed to see whether teachers from different backgrounds would show siginificant differences in their attitudes to the program, and several conclusions have been proposed below. 1. Junior high school teachers in New Taipei City do not show a high approval for the application of this program and generally feel some difficulties and pressure in its practice. 2. Most of the subjects taught in the program are exam-oriented, and thus fail to provide the low-achievement students with multi-dimensional learning opportunities. 3. Junior high schools in New Taipei City still have a long way to go in planning the program regarding the teacher’s profession development, teaching materials and methods and students’ individual needs. 4. Teachers in the urban areas show a higher approval for the program than those in the rural areas, and those in large schools also show a higher approval than those in small schools. 5. Teachers teaching different subjects show siginificant differences in their perceptions of the program and its problems. It is especially noted that the math teachers show the most discrepencies in their teaching practice. 6. Teachers’s perceptions of the program and its problems do not show significant difference regarding their sexes, teaching years, levels of education, positions and specialized fields. At last, the suggestions proposed in the research according to the results above aims to provide ideas and directions for researchers and educators who are interested in this subject.



新北市國中, 攜手計畫課後扶助, 補救教學, junior high schools in New Taipei City, Hand in Hand After School Tutoring Program, remedial teaching





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