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本研究主要探討中年期生涯轉換歷程與善用機緣經驗。研究方法採質性研究取向,資料蒐集方式為半結構式訪談,資料分析方式採紮根理論研究方法。研究者透過立意抽樣與滾雪球法,選取40歲以上符合研究條件之研究參與者7名進行訪談,並採用質性研究方法中的紮根理論分析研究資料,實施開放編碼、主軸編碼與選擇編碼等步驟。 研究結果發現,中年期生涯轉換與機緣巧合歷程涵蓋了「轉換前發展脈絡」、「生涯轉換背景」、「壓力與挑戰」、「因應與調適」、「機緣巧合」及「影響與轉化」等六大核心主題。 「轉換前發展脈絡」內涵之核心主題為「成長背景」、「探索嘗試與尋找生涯目標」及「進入穩定狀態」。「生涯轉換背景」內涵之核心主題為「表象事件」與「內在經驗」,而中年期生涯轉換歷程啟始於表象事件與內在經驗的交互作用。而「壓力與挑戰」內涵之核心主題包含「個人內在層面」、「外在環境條件層面」與「關係層面」。「因應與調適」內涵之核心主題為「資源整合與應用」及「態度與行動務實而保持彈性」。「機緣巧合」內涵之核心主題為「機緣巧合事件類型」與「機緣巧合事件助益」。又「影響與轉化」內涵之核心主題則為「心理層面的轉變與收穫」,具體而言是自我邁向整合;及「個人與環境互動達到平衡」,具體而言是達到生涯適應。而經歷轉換到新的「定位」,生涯轉換歷程並未結束,經常會形成一個小循環再回到壓力挑戰與因應調適進行「調整」並受益於機緣巧合事件,再度回到穩定狀態並結束生涯轉換歷程。 又生涯轉換過程中善用機緣經驗內涵為「善於觀察並主動接觸與採取行動」、「資訊整合與串聯」、「維持人際關係與信賴關係,保持聯繫」、「善於評估可接受妥協的範圍」、「接納未知偶然與保持彈性順勢而為」、「培養興趣與終身學習並於適當時機展現經驗與技能」。再進一步探究在此歷程中個人能善用機緣的內在準備與所具備之特質源於中年潛在優勢,內涵為「經驗與判斷力」、「豐富的歷練拓展認知邊界」、「人際網絡的開展與社會化」、「認識自己、了解自身擁有的資源」、「對命運與自身能沉穩從容與成熟以對」、「了解自己的能力並持續累積」。最後,本研究根據上述研究過程與結果,提出研究限制與建議。
The purpose of this study was to describe the process of midlife career transition, and to explore the experiences of encountering planned happenstance during the process. 7 participants with the experiences of career transition between their 40s and 50s were included by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. This is a qualitative method research, and the researcher implied the ground theory as the basis of the data analysis through the steps of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The result of the research presents that the process of the midlife career transition consists of 6 themes: their development before the midlife career transition, the context of the midlife career transition, the stress and the challenges caused by the transition, their coping and adaptation strategies, the chance events, and the influences and transformations. The themes of their development before the midlife career transition contain: (1) Their growth background; (2) The stage of exploring and trying; (3) The stable period. The themes of the context of the midlife career transition are: (1) The important events; (2) Their inner experiences. The stress and the challenges caused by the transition present in three aspects: (1) Personal inner feelings; (2) The environmental conditions; (3) Personal relationships. The coping and adaptation strategies are: (1) The integration and operation of the resources; (2) Doing things with practical attitude and flexibility. The chance events during the process of midlife career transition discuss: (1) The types of the chance events; (2) How they benefit from the chance events during the process? The influences and transformations of the midlife career transition present two aspects: (1) The transformation of inner self and the spiritual growth; (2) Social interaction and career adaptability. In addition, the whole transition process starts with the interaction of the important events and participants’ inner experiences, and it doesn’t get to the end until they make some adjustments after reaching their new position. As the participants encounter chance events during their midlife career transition, their experiences of planned happenstance are: (1) Having a keen sense of observation and taking actions at the right time; (2) Information integration; (3) Maintaining personal relationships and keeping in touch with more people; (4) Evaluating your acceptance and doing the compromise assessment; (5) Accepting uncertainty and maintaining flexibility; (6) Cultivating interests, being a lifelong learner and demonstrating your ability at the right time. In addition, the reasons why the participants can have the experiences are because of the Midlife Strength, and more specifically they are: (1) Good judgment comes from experience; (2) Understanding life and destiny with maturity; (3) Broadened vision ;(4) Personal relationships and good social skills; (5) Self awareness; (6)Knowing their strength and limitations, and always developing some skills. Finally, the researcher gives some limitations and suggestions based on this study.



中年期, 生涯轉換歷程, 善用機緣, Midlife, Planned happenstance, The process of career transition





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