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本研究旨在探討部落格應用於七年級音樂教學之行動研究。前導性研究與正式行動研究各選取十八位七年級的學生為對象。前導性研究共計二十節課,每週二節課,每堂四十五分鐘。正式行動研究每週二節課,每堂四十五分鐘,共計十三節課。 研究工具為「電腦使用狀況調查表」、「音樂學習興趣量表」、「教室觀察紀錄表」為主要檢測工具。前導性研究和正式行動研究前後,皆進行學生電腦使用狀況調查表與音樂學習興趣量表之前後測。此外,本研究亦整理歸納「教師教學暨部落格觀察日誌」、「教室觀察紀錄表」、「訪談逐字稿」與「教學反思紀錄表」,及教學實況錄影等質性資料分析。 本研究所得到的結果與發現如下: 一、部落格應用於音樂教學不顯著影響學生電腦使用習慣。 二、部落格應用於音樂教學對學生音樂學習興趣有正向影響。 三、師生須付出更多時間與心力經營部落格音樂教學。 四、音樂教師應與資訊教師協同合作部落格音樂教學。 五、教師應謹慎思考學生於部落格音樂學習內容之個別差異與多元評量方式。 六、教師應分年級、分階段有計畫地進行部落格應用於音樂教學。 基於本研究之研究歷程與結果,研究者提出若干具體建議,作為音樂教師、教育行政單位及未來研究者之參考。
The purpose of this study intended to explore the application of the blog-assisted music instruction for seventh graders. Two classes, each includes eighteen seventh graders, were selected individually for the pilot study and the formal study . Twenty lessons, two lessons per week, were conducted for the pilot study; 13 lessons were conducted for formal study. "Computer use survey form", "music learning interest scale," "classroom observation table" were applied and analyzed in this study. In addition, teaching videos, and teachers’ interviews, and teaching diaries were recorded and analyzed as other research data. The conclusions of this study were: a) Blogs-assisted music instruction doesn't significantly change students' habits on using computers. b) Blogs-assisted music instruction has positive effects students' interests in music. c) As to applying blogs-assisted music instruction, music teachers have to spend much more time and efforts in managing blogs. d) Music teachers should intensively cooperate with computer-science teachers. e) Teachers should carefully consider students' individual difference and multiple evaluation concerning to the context of music teaching blogs . and f) Teachers should plan sequential music lessons and contentsfor student in different grades. Many other suggestions were given for music teachers, school administrators, and future research.



部落格, 行動研究, 音樂教學, 網路學習, blog, technology- assisted, music instruction, e-learning





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