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德米特里˙蕭斯塔科維契(Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906-1975)是二十世紀蘇聯時期優秀作曲家之一,其一生中的創作數量更是數不勝數,也都各個精彩,作品種類包含交響曲、管絃樂曲、協奏曲、室內樂、鋼琴曲、歌劇、聲樂曲和電影配樂等多種類型。其中更以交響曲創作數量為最多,是自古典時期莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)以後,鮮少有創作超過九首數量交響曲的作曲家,多達十五首。本論文將聚焦在蕭斯塔科維契《第九號交響曲》,以作曲家之生平概述、樂曲創作風格與樂曲的各樂章在曲式、結構、樂句、配器等方面進行分析,最後提出研究者在指揮詮釋上的選擇,以研究者先於樂譜研讀,到實際與雙鋼琴、絃樂五重奏進行排練,乃至於最後以接近完整編制之管絃樂團實際演出的學習成果提出之。
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was one of the outstanding composers of the Soviet Union in the 20th century. Throughout his life, he has created a variety of wonderful music, including symphony, concerto, chamber music, piano music, opera, vocal music and movie soundtracks. Among them, the symphony enjoyed the greatest number, as many as fifteen. Rarely has there been a composer creating more than nine symphonies since Mozart (1756-1791) .This thesis will focus on Shostakovich's Symphony No. 9, analyze the composer's life, composition style, and movements in the composition, structures, phrases, orchestration, and finally illustrate the conductor’s choice of interpreting music, based on the researcher's learning from reading the music score, the rehearsal with two pianos and string quintet, and finally to the performance of the nearly complete orchestra.
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was one of the outstanding composers of the Soviet Union in the 20th century. Throughout his life, he has created a variety of wonderful music, including symphony, concerto, chamber music, piano music, opera, vocal music and movie soundtracks. Among them, the symphony enjoyed the greatest number, as many as fifteen. Rarely has there been a composer creating more than nine symphonies since Mozart (1756-1791) .This thesis will focus on Shostakovich's Symphony No. 9, analyze the composer's life, composition style, and movements in the composition, structures, phrases, orchestration, and finally illustrate the conductor’s choice of interpreting music, based on the researcher's learning from reading the music score, the rehearsal with two pianos and string quintet, and finally to the performance of the nearly complete orchestra.
蕭斯塔科維契, 蕭斯塔維契《第九號交響曲》, 蘇聯音樂, 指揮, 指揮詮釋, 管絃樂團, Shostakovich, Shostakovich: Symphony No. 9, Soviet music, Conducting, Conducting Interpretation, Orchestra