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隨著科技的發展與普及,資訊通信科技的成熟使得線上教學漸趨蓬勃,甚至成為近幾年的主流教學模式。如何將科技融入課堂並提升教學效能,已成為現今教師專業成長的重要議題。為了提升教學品質與學生學習成效,《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》要求每位教師每學年應至少公開授課一次,進行教學觀察與專業回饋。然而,目前國內針對華語職前教師培訓的研究中,較少針對教學觀察進行對於職前教師教學知能發展之探究。因此,本研究以科技內容教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,TPACK)作為框架,探討教師主導觀課(Teacher-Driven Observation,TDO)對職前線上華語教師教學專業知能的影響。本研究採混合設計,研究對象為42位華語職前教師,使用問卷蒐集量化和質化資料進行分析:量化數據以描述統計及推論統計處理;質化資料以TPACK架構編碼、轉化成量化數據,再進行推論統計分析。研究結果顯示華語職前教師較關注教學知能(PK)與教學內容知能(PCK)相關的教學議題,而職前教師的關注重點也反映在教學表現的自我評估中,認為PK與PCK的教學技能進步最多。在TDO各階段,觀課階段對於提升職前教師的線上教學技能之影響最為顯著;研究亦發現TPACK和TDO之間有顯著的交互作用,職前教師TPACK知能的發展會隨著TDO「說課—觀課—議課—反思」不同階段的推進,逐漸於議課階段聚焦,再於反思階段擴展。此外,在不同階段中,職前教師主要關注的TPACK知能仍是PK與PCK,科技相關知能的發展較不顯著。綜上所述,本研究整體結果顯示TDO有助於華語職前教師提升教學專業知能,特別是教學相關的知能。希冀透過本研究的結果,提供後續線上華語師資培育的另一個切入點,使培育課程之規劃更加豐富多元。
With the rapid development and popularization of technology, online teaching is flourishing due to the maturity of information and communications technology, even growing into a popular instruction mode in recent years. Integrating technology into education became an important issue for teacher professional development. To promote teachers’ teaching quality and students' learning efficiency, the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education promulgated by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, required each teacher to give at least one lesson study per year to do classroom observation and exchange professional feedback. However, less domestic research focuses on how classroom observation impacted pre-service teachers in developing their teaching competencies in Chinese pre-service teachers’ training. Therefore, this study aims to explore the influence ofTeacher-driven observation (TDO) on Chinese pre-service teachers’ professional competencies developing with the Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework.This study adopted a mixed-method approach and used questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative data from 42 Chinese pre-service teachers. The quantitative data were processed with descriptive and inferential statistics; the qualitative data were coded into numbers with the TPACK framework for inferential statistics. The results indicated that the Chinese pre-service teachers paid closer attention to the teaching issues regarding PK and PCK. Meanwhile, their focuses were also reflected in self-efficacy assessments of personal growth; the pre-service teachers thought they progressed more on PK and PCK. Regarding TDO, pre-service teachers’ ratings were significantly higher in the observation stage than in the pre-meeting and debriefing stages. Moreover, there was a significant interaction between TPACK and TDO. The development of these pre-service teachers' TPACK competencies changed along with different stages of TDO. Their attention to various aspects of the TPACK framework gradually focused on the debriefing stage, and then expanded in the reflection stage. Meanwhile, they generally focused more on PK and PCK across different stages of TDO, compared with other aspects of the TPACK framework. In summary, these findings suggested that TDO facilitated the pre-service teachers’ development of teaching capabilities, especially on pedagogy-related competencies. The implications of this study provide online Chinese teacher training programs with a novel perspective from previous studies and further enrich the diversity of training program design.



科技內容教學知識, 教師主導觀課, 遠距教學, 職前教師, Chinese pre-service teachers, Distant teaching, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Teacher-driven observation (TDO)





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