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摘 要 本研究是以「自我」為探究的主體,採「敘事探究」為研究方法,以敘說方式書寫女性學校行政主管在型塑多元文化學校經營理念與實踐的經歷中,所凸顯的多元文化教育議題。本研究目的有三:一、檢視與批判研究者於擔任主任期間,在學校型塑多元文化學校經營理念及所遭遇的問題與因應之道。二、探討研究者如何從行政經驗中,獲得型塑多元文化學校經營理念專業知能及專業實踐。三、理解此歷程對研究者的意義,及其所反映出來學校型塑多元文化學校經營理念的脈絡。 本研究文本共分七章,第一章緒論就研究背景與動機及研究目的進行敘說,希望藉由對弱勢族群的發聲,進而建立研究者多元文化教育的哲學。第二章文獻探討,就學校組織文化、組織行為管理與領導、型塑多元文化教育的學校環境、角色衝突與溝通、學校行政主管工作理念的性別差異、相關研究等分別探討,當學校行政主管在具有豐富多元文化學校經營理念後,會比較清楚學校及社會結構面的限制,才能針對多元文化教育的本質、現實的差異、權力的運作及認同的問題進行反思,進而釐清相關核心問題,型塑多元文化教育的公共論述,積極落實多元文化教育。第三章研究方法,就研究取向的選擇、資料處理、如何敘說、研究倫理課題等探討,務求研究具有可信賴度。第四章翅膀下的世界-學生輔導分三部分拍動翅膀緩緩起飛、用心感受學子或剝奪學子、多元文化下的融合教育。學校中學生呈現多樣性,學校教育必須幫助多樣性的學生獲得其所需的知識、態度與技能,進而使學子具有批判、反省、分析及轉化的能力。第五章穿越空間-總務工作分三部分總務處特殊事件的處理、誠惶誠恐擔任總務主任、營造人文氣息的校園,如何由境教與環境潛在課程去落實多元文化的教育理念,讓所有人能感受被尊重、照顧的溫馨情懷。第六章折翼之鳥-教務工作是研究者對自己過去二年教務經驗的反思與敘說,呈現出學校行政主管在僵化的學校制度下所經歷的挫敗。第七章結論與反思-展翅任我遨翔,就前所述的經驗的整理與反思後,由新的行動為起點,最後將行動歷程的反思與發現形成多元文化的經營理念與教育哲學的觀點,能夠在既有的結構性限制中發展。 這趟敘事探究之旅協助我釐清個人在多元文化學校經營與管理中的處境與位置,反思與重塑行動的意義,開展我在學校場域中繼續前行的力量。我將帶著這樣的能量繼續下一階段的校長之旅。
ABSTRACTThis study applied narrative inquiry to explore how a female junior high school administrator dealing with multicultural issues in the process of practicing multicultural education in school management. This study had three purposes: First, reviewing and criticizing the difficulties the researcher as the school administrator encountered in different positions of school management. Second, exploring how the researcher gained the profession through the ways of dealing with the difficulties. Finally, reflecting the meanings of the personal narrative within the context school management. The study was composed of seven chapters: In the first chapter “Introduction”, the background and the purposes of this study were stated. In the second chapter of literature review, the researcher discussed the important theories and research providing the insights for this study. In the third chapter of methodology, different aspects of narrative inquiry were considered to increase the trustworthiness of this study. The fourth chapter began with the stories between students and me. The stories focus on how to help minority students to gain the knowledge, attitude, and the skills they need in the more and more diverse society. The fifth chapter stated the stories happened during the position of the director of the general affairs office. The stories focused on how I cultivating multicultural campus in terms of the hidden curriculum. The sixth chapter stated the stories between teachers and me when I took in charge of academic affairs office. The stories revealed the conflicts between teachers and administrators from different perspectives under the rigid systems. In the final chapter, I deeply reflected in the meanings of the stories happened in my administrative life to concentrate the essence of multicultural education. The narrative inquiry helps me to clarify what happened to a school administrator within the complicated school context and empowered me to face the challenges of a school principal in my next journey.



敘事探究, 多元文化教育, 學校管理, narrative inquiry, multicultural education, school management





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