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本研究旨在探討情緒教育課程對國中生情緒智能的影響,研究方法採不等組前後測準實驗設計,以新北市某國中51名九年級學生為研究對象,實驗組共25位學生,對照組共26位學生,實驗組接受為期八週,每週ㄧ節課(45分鐘),共八節課的實驗課程處理,對照組則接受原綜合活動(輔導)課程。本研究以「中學生情緒智能量表」為量化資料的評量工具,並於實施情緒教育課程前進行前測,以瞭解學生的起始狀況;在課程結束後再次進行後測,所得的前後測資料以多變量共變數分析進行統計處理,質性資料分析則是以「課程活動回饋表」、「課程總回饋表」、「學生訪談大綱」及「教師教學反思紀錄」為主,以深入瞭解教學實驗之效果。本實驗研究結果如下:一、 情緒教育課程在國中階段具可行性。二、 情緒教育課程有助於提升國中九年級學生情緒智能,包括「情緒認知」、「情緒表達」、「正向激勵」、「情緒調節」和「情緒反省」層面。三、 實驗組學生對情緒教育課程的看法持正向且肯定的態度,喜歡多元的教學方式,覺得教學內容有趣且實用,給予每個單元很高的評價及滿意度,並表示課程對瞭解情緒、控制情緒、同理心很有幫助。最後研究者根據研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議,以作為未來學校情緒教育教學及相關研究之參考。
This study aims to explore the impact of the emotional education curriculum on the emotional intelligence of junior high school students.The research method adopts the design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design was applied to the study, with 51 ninth grade students in a junior high school in New Taipei City as the research object, there are 25 students in the experimental group and 26 students in the control group accepts an eight-week course(45 minutes) per week with a total of eight lessons. The control group accepts the original tutoring of activity courses.This study uses"Emotional Intelligence Scale for Junior High School Students" as a quantitative data assessment tool, and conducts a pre-test before implementing the emotional education course to understand the students' starting conditions, after the end of the course, the post-test is performed again. The pre- and post-test data is statistically processed by MANOVA analysis, and the qualitative data analysis is mainly based on "feedback questionnaries ", "interview data from students" and teacher's reflective journals" to gain insight into the effects of teaching experiments. The results of this experiment are as follows: 1.Emotional education courses are feasible in the middle school stage. 2.Emotional education courses help to improve the emotional intelligence of ninth grade junior high school students, including "emotional cognition" ,"emotional expression" ,"positive motivation" ,"emotional regulation" and "emotional reflection" levels. 3.The students in the experimental group held a positiveand positive attitude towards the emotional education curriculum, liked multiple teaching methods, found the teaching content interesting and practical, gave each unit a high evaluation and satisfaction, and expressed that the curriculum is important for understanding emotions and controlling emotions. Emotion and empathy are very helpful.Finally, the researchers discussed based on the research results and put forward specific suggestions for reference for future school emotional education and related research.



情緒教育, 情緒智能, emotional education curriculum, emotional intelligence





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