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國中導師與學生朝夕相處,肩負班級經營成敗的重責大任,法律雖賦予導師專業自主權,保障導師依法能不受外力干預,自由進行教育決定,但導師必須接受行政人員對教育事務的安排,更需面對來自家長的不同意見,專業自主權常因而受限。研究者擔任國中導師,曾經面臨專業自主權實踐的困境,因此期望透過他人實踐專業自主權的敘說,探究導師專業自主的困境並尋求解決之道。 本研究採取質性研究取向,以半結構式的深度訪談作為蒐集資料的方法,探究四位國中導師實踐專業自主權的樣貌,研究中分別呈現四位導師實踐專業自主權的經驗故事,再探究導師們實踐過程中面臨的外力干預情形、回應外力干預的方式,並釐清他們對導師專業自主權的詮釋。本研究的結論如下: 一、國中導師遭受家長干預班級事務、行政人員不當管理、校內導師影響班級師資等外力干預情形。 二、國中導師專業自主權的實踐,可大致區分為「預防」和「治療」兩種類型。 三、國中導師以「理性溝通」、「尋求支援」、「表達不滿」、「爭取信任」、「社群合作」五種方式回應外力干預,實踐專業自主權。 四、結構性因素影響導師專業自主權,導師的能力和意願影響其能動性的開展。 五、導師透過研習進修、對話反省的專業成長,專業自主實踐的能量充分開展。 六、國中導師大致認為自身享有高度專業自主權,並以自律來約束其導師角色。 本研究最後針對導師、學校、教育主管機關提供幾項建議。
This study adopted in-depth interviews to explore how junior high school homeroom teachers practicing their professional autonomy. First, this study described four homeroom teachers’ experiences of classroom management. It then analyzed the interference resulted from the outsiders they encountered, the ways they responded to the interference. Finally, this study interpreted the teachers’ reconceptualization of professional autonomy. The following conclusions were emerged from this study: First, junior high school homeroom teachers encountered interference from parents, administrative personnel, and other homeroom teachers. Second, the strategies the teachers applied for the practice of professional autonomy could be distinguished as “prevention” and “amelioration”. Third, the teachers deployed five strategies to respond the interference including “rational communication”, “seeking support and consensus”, “expressing dissatisfaction”, “evoking a positive environment of trust”, and “ensuring pan-stakeholder collaboration”. Fourth, structural factors affected teachers’ professional autonomy, while teachers’ ability and motivation empowered their agency. Fifth, through professional seminars and reflective dialogue, teachers enhanced their professional development. Sixth, the teachers considered that they possessed strong reserves of professional autonomy, and they applied critical self-discipline to ensure full comport with the multiple demands of their homeroom teacher roles. This study also provided some practical suggestions for homeroom teachers, schools, and educational administrators.



國中導師, 教師專業自主, 班級經營, junior high school homeroom teachers, teacher’s professional autonomy, classroom management





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