
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討新莊市幼托機構教保人員實施親職教育之情形,主要的研究目的有五項:(一)探討幼托機構教保人員實施親職教育的規畫、內容、方式、困境及成效的情形;(二)探討不同個人及園所背景變項之教保人員實施親職教育的規畫、內容、方式、困境及成效的差異情形;(三)探討親職教育的實施方式與實施成效的關係;(四)探討親職教育實施成效中有關家長參與及家長學到親職知能的關係;(五)依據研究結果,提出具體建議,提供政府機關、幼托機構及教保人員參考。 本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,以新莊市幼托機構550名教保人員為研究對象,其中有效樣本數為355人,問卷調查資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。 主要研究結果分述如下: 一、幼托機構教保人員實施親職教育的情況 (一)教保人員實施親職教育傾向大部份都會預先規畫。 (二)教保人員實施親職教育的課程或內容傾向親子關係之增進為主。 (三)親職教育的實施方式以「家庭聯絡簿」、「親子活動」、「佈告欄提供親職教育資訊」為主。 (四)親職教育實施的困境以「時間安排不易」、「內容缺乏延續性」、「內容難以滿足不同家長的個別需要」為主。 (五)親職教育實施成效屬中上程度。 二、不同個人及園所背景變項的幼托機構教保人員在親職教育的實施差異 (一)親職教育規畫因年齡、幼教年資、參加親職教育的課程及研習與辦理親職教育有差異。 (二)實施內容因職務、參加課程及研習、辦理親職教育、園所類別及園所班級數有差異。 (三)實施方式因婚姻狀況、教育程度、幼教年資、職務、參與課程及研習、辦理親職教育、不同園所類型有差異。 (四)實施困境因教育程度、園所班級數有差異。 (五)家長參與成效因教育程度、職務、辦理親職教育、園所類別、園所類型與園所班級數有差異。 (六)家長學到親職知能因教育程度、辦理親職教育活動有差異。 三、教保人員實施親職教育的方式與實施成效呈現正相關 四、家長參與成效與家長學到親職知能呈現正相關 依據研究結果,提出對政府相關單位、幼托機構、教保人員及未來研究的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Implementation of Parent Education for Kindergarten and Preschool Teachers in Sinjhuang City Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of parent education for kindergarten and preschool teachers in Sinjhuang city. There were five main research purposes: the first was to discuss about planning, contents, styles, obstacle, and effectiveness of parent education for kindergarten and preschool teachers; the second was to compare the different backgrounds in the differences of planning, contents, styles, obstacle, and effectiveness of parent education; the third was to explore the relations between the implementation and the effectiveness of parent education; the fourth was to know the relations between parental participation and their parental knowledge; the fifth was based on the results of this study to provide suggestions for government, kindergarten and preschools and their teachers. This study adopted questionnaire survey method. There were 550 teachers invited, and 355 valid questionnaires from kindergarten and preschool in Sinjhuang city. The data of questionnaires was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANONA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The main results were as following: 1. The situations of planning, contents, styles, obstacles, and effectiveness of parent education for kindergarten and preschool teachers were described as following. (1) Most kindergarten and preschool teachers would plan in advance when implementing parent education. (2) Main contents of parent education focused on increasing parent-child relationship. (3) The main styles of implementing parent education included " family communication book", "parent-child activity", and "bulletin information related to parenting". (4) The main obstacles of parent education were "difficulty in time arrangement", "discontinuous contents ", " difficulty of contents in meeting parents' individual needs". (5) The effectiveness of parent education was middle-upper degree. 2. The different backgrounds in the differences of planning, contents, styles, obstacles, and effectiveness of parent education were stated in the followings. (1) The plans of parent education differed from teachers’ age, years working in preschool, courses and training in parent education and conducting experience. (2) The contents of parent education differed from teachers’ working position, courses and training in parent education, conducting experience, classification, and class number of kindergartens or preschools. (3) The styles of implementing parent education differed from teachers’ marital status, educational degree, years working in preschool, position, courses and training in parent education, conducting experience and classification of kindergartens or preschools. (4) The obstacles differed from teachers’ educational degree and class number of kindergartens or preschools. (5) The effectiveness of parent education differed from educational degree, position, conducting experience, classification, and class number of kindergartens or preschools. (6) Parental knowledge of parent education differed from educational degree, and conducting experience. 3. There were positive relations between the ways of implementation and the effectiveness of parent education. 4. There were positive relations between parental participation and their parental knowledge. According to the results of the study, suggestions for government, kindergartens and preschools, and teachers were made. Issues for further study were also discussed. Key Words: kindergarten and preschool, teachers, parent educationen_US
dc.subjectkindergarten and preschoolen_US
dc.subjectparent educationen_US

