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影音材料已普及於各種領域的教學中,在語言教學方面,影音教學也已經證實有助於提升學生的語言能力及文化知能(Liu, 2005; Secules, Herron,& Tomasello, 1992; Shih, 2010)。而根據Alexa Internet(2001a, 2021b)的統計,YouTube儼然已是影音傳播的重要媒材,人人皆可觀看和上傳個人影片,類型十分多元。若能將YouTube影片內容融入語言教學,可彌補課室和真實語境之語言落差。然而,目前關於YouTube影片語體的跨文化語用研究及教學應用仍十分缺乏。因此,為幫助華語學生透過YouTube影片教學提升口語語篇能力,本研究蒐集2019年至2021年中英知識型與指導型的YouTube影片共64個作為研究樣本,從宏觀面向分析中英YouTube影片的語步結構,再從微觀面向分析中文核心語步及與之對應的英文語步中的互動式後設論述標記,以對比中英跨文化及次語體間之語用策略異同。 研究結果顯示,中英YouTube影片皆有「打招呼」、「介紹主題背景」、「點出影片主旨」、「解釋概念」、「提供建議」、「提出個人看法」、「結束影片」、「個人行銷」、「道別」等語步,且語步結構中皆有語步重複和位置調換之情形。中英跨文化的語步結構差異並不大,事實上,差異主要來自次語體間的不同,例如知識型影片著重概念解釋,指導型影片則著重步驟的介紹及成品的描述。另外,本研究亦發現中英語步中出現次數最高的互動式後設論述標記為參與標記,顯示雖然說話者與觀眾處於不同的時空,然而說話者卻積極引導觀眾參與語篇,拉近與觀眾之間的距離。綜上所述,語步和互動式後設論述標記的分析結果有助於體現YouTube影片的語體特徵。本研究將結果應用於華語口語教學上,培養學生對YouTube影片語步結構和互動式後設論述的意識,再透過華語教師適當的引導,期望能提升華語學生建構口語語篇的能力。
Audiovisual materials have been popularized in various fields of teaching. In language teaching, audiovisual education has also been shown to improve learners' language skills and cultural knowledge. According to Alexa Internet (2001a, 2021b), YouTube has become an important medium, and anyone can watch and upload individual videos onto the platform under a variety of categories. Incorporating the content of YouTube videos into language teaching can make up for the gap between classroom and real context. However, little research has focused on cross-cultural pragmatic aspects and the application of YouTube videos for teaching. Therefore, in order tohelp Chinese L2 learners improve their oral discourse ability, this study collected a total of 64 informative and instructive YouTube videos in Chinese and English from 2019 to 2021 as the research sample. From the macro aspect, the move structures of Chinese and English YouTube videos were observed. And from the micro aspect, interactional metadiscourse markers in common moves were analyzed in order to compare the differences between Chinese and English cross-cultural and sub-genre pragmatic strategies.The results showed that moves such as "say hello," "introduce the subject background," "point out the subject of the video", "explain the concept", "advise", "offer personal opinions", "end the video", "personal marketing", "say goodbye," and so on, all appeared in the Chinese and English YouTube videos. And moves were allowed to be repeated and exchanged in terms of their positions. Chinese and English cross-cultural differences in move structures were not significant. In fact, the differences mainly stemmed from differences between sub-genres. For instance, informative videos focused on elaborating concepts, while instructive videos focused on step-by-step presentations and descriptions of the final products. As a result, the choice of the moves in YouTube videos was primarily influenced by sub-genres, not by cross-cultural differences. In addition, the study also found that the most frequently occurring interactional metadiscourse marker in common Chinese and English moves was engagement marker, showing that although the speaker was in a different time and space from the audience, the speaker actively guided the audience to participate in the discourse, bringing the distance between them closer together.In summary, the findings on moves and interactional metadiscourse markers help to reflect the genre characteristics of YouTube videos. The results of this study can be applied to teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL), especially for speaking. Once learners are aware of the YouTube video move structures and interactional metadiscourse markers, their skills in constructing spoken discourse will be improved through the appropriate guidance of TCSL teachers.



YouTube, 語用策略, 語步分析, 後設論述, 互動策略, YouTube, pragmatic strategy, move analysis, metadiscourse, interaction strategy





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