國小教師應用ICT於教學之現況與影響因素探究-從Larry Cuban科技論述觀點談起

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本研究主要是以Larry Cuban的科技論述觀點為依據,調查我國小學教師實施ICT融入教學的現況,以及降低教師實施ICT融入教學意願的不利因素。研究是以全國公立小學教師為研究樣本,透過問卷調查方法實施。研究結果有以下主要發現: 一、實施現況部分:1.教師普遍對ICT設備感到滿意,惟電腦依舊用在處理日常事務時間多,且E化專科教室是過度銷售低度使用;2教師已不是科技恐懼者,ICT融入教學時數增加,但多數教師採用低層次融入方式,且依賴電子教科書進行教學;3.教師認同學校行政推動ICT教育作為,但對ICT教育政策之回應卻緩慢;4. ICT對教學影響有正向變化,未來重要性可期。 二、影響因素與降低意願現況部分:「個人ICT素養與技術支援需求」、「ICT融入課程教學知識與能力」、「ICT對學習行為之影響」三個面向不利實施ICT融入教學因素存在且降低教師實施ICT融入教學的意願。 三、ICT融入教學現況與降低意願在性別、職務、ICT能力、融入經驗、年齡、學歷、城鄉與學校規模等變項間存在顯著差異性。 四、綜合廻歸預測、路經分析與結構模型之結果,學校推動ICT教育成效是ICT融入教學層級與降低教師意願的重要關鍵。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出教育行政機關應持續建置與更新ICT設備,同時關注適配性以及落實ICT融入教學能力指標化;學校單位應強化ICT教育推動的成效性,排除各種不利ICT融入教學因素;教師ICT能力要與時俱進,參與各項資訊典範教學團隊,勇於嘗試ICT創新教學;而在未來研究方面納入質性研究方法,對不預期落差之結果進一步探究等建議。
With respect to Larry Cuban’s discourse on technology, this study investigates the status of ICT integrated teaching as adopted by primary teachers in local schools. It also discusses the factors that disadvantaged ICT integrated teaching for teachers. A questionnaire is given to primary teachers in public schools nationwide. The findings are summarized below. Firstly, current state of ICT integrated teaching--(1) most of the teachers are satisfied with the ICT facilities, but E-classrooms are oversold and underused. Computers are still used mainly for daily tasks. (2) teachers are not technophobic. The hours for ICT integrated teaching are increasing, but most teachers rely on the use of e-books. (3) teachers agree with the ICT integration policy promoted by school administrative staff, but they adapts to it at a slow pace.. (4) ICT brings a positive impact on teaching. It’s expected to be more and more influential to teachers. Secondly, factors influencing teachers’ adoption of ICTs are-(1)digital literacy and technical demand of the teachers, (2) ICT integration knowledge and capabilities and (3) The impact of ICT on learning behavior. All are crucial to teachers’ failure in applying ICT integrated teaching in the classroom. Thirdly, variables of gender, jobs, information skills, integration experiences, age, educational background and size and geographical location of the schools are significantly relevant to the decline of teachers’ use of ICTs. Fourthly, the regression prediction, path analysis and structural modeling has lead to the conclusion that the effects of schools promoting ICT integration are the key determinants of teachers’ decline in adopting ICT integrated teaching. This study wraps up with some suggestions to ICT education. Policymakers should carry on deploying and renewing ICT facilities with discretion. Meanwhile, the performance indicators for ICT integrated teaching should be set up. School administrative staff should strengthen the effects of ICT education and eliminate factors that disadvantaged ICT integrated teaching. Teachers should enhance their digital competence and participate in projects of information innovation. For future studies, a qualitative review should be conducted. Also, the scope of the unexpected result should be explored.



Larry Cuban科技論述觀點, 國小教師, ICT, ICT融入教學, Larry Cuban’s discourse on technology, primary teachers, ICT, ICT integrated teaching





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