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本研究目的在於瞭解在通勤家庭中,為人母者的生活經驗及其適應歷程,希望藉由研究結果瞭解通勤家庭型態對為人母者所帶來的影響,並找出她們的社會支持程度及其個人需求,以提供政府部門、社會人士、教育單位及助人專業工作者參考之。 本研究採質性研究取向的敘說研究法進行資料蒐集與分析之歷程。研究者以半結構式的訪談大綱對三位研究參與者進行訪談,以蒐集在通勤家庭中為人母者之生活經驗的自我敘說,訪談內容經整理為逐字稿之後,以敘說分析方法中的「整體-內容」型式進行資料的分析,最後撰寫三位研究參與者在通勤家庭中為人母者之經驗的生命故事。 本研究發現夫妻分隔兩地的通勤家庭型態對為人母者的影響如下: 一、多重角色使為人母者感到時間的緊縮,因而調整平日生活的作息。 二、獨自承擔教養責任感到無助與沈重壓力,親職教養引發婚姻衝突,促使為人母者調整夫妻互動與溝通模式。 三、有感於先生缺席對親子關係的影響,調整家庭角色與生活模式,營造家庭的一體感與親密感。 四、為人母者與家人關係有所轉變,家人的支持是重要後盾,但有時也會感到壓力。 五、為人母者發現自己個性上的改變,並對此改變抱持正向肯定。 本研究針對上述的研究結果作進一步的討論,並針對政府部門及相關人員提出建議。最後依據研究過程與結果發現,對未來之研究方向提出建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand the living experiences and coping behaviors on women of being a mother in the commuter family. Via comprehending the impact on the women, the author hopes to learn the support to the women from society and their personal needs so as to the result will be as a reference for the government, civilians, educators as well as professional facilitators. Based on the narrative research method, the author has interviewed three participants with a semi-structural questionnaire. The participants stated and described their living experiences in the commuter family. The result is derived from the "Holistic-Content" analysis in treating data and followed by their example stories. The influences and impacts on the mothers of the commuter family are as follow: 1.The multiple roles condensed time arrangement and hence force the mothers to adjust and cope with their schedule. 2.The pressure from the responsibility in undertaking the caring and educating children alone prompts marital conflicts and forces the mothers toadjust their interaction and communication patterns with their spouse. 3.The influence from the absence of the father for the parentage forces the mothers to adjust the family roles and the living mode in order to build up the family associative perception and intimate feeling. 4.The relationship between the mothers and their family members transforms; the support from family members is essential yet with pressure sometimes. 5.The mothers perceived self-change and self-affirmation. This study also goes beyond the above results to provide suggestions to the government, schools, counselors, as well as to all the mothers in the commuter family. Lastly, based on what have been learned from this research, a few suggestions are also made for future researches.



通勤家庭, 母親, 適應, commuter family, mothers, coping





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