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價值共創觀點為當今社會發展中重要的概念,強調各利益相關者透由合作與資源整合共同創造價值。由於社會問題往往涉及多個利益相關者,單一組織或個體往往難以獨自解決這些問題,而透過價值共創,不同的利益相關者有機會共同參與解決問題的過程,共同創造價值。「大同共好.青椒聚落」集結數個臺北市大同區關注兒少議題的機構組織,藉由年度活動──「青椒市集」串連起服務對象與各資源。透過整合與共享資源,使社區兒少能跳脫地域與組織的框架,共創在地兒少友善學習與成長的平臺。而各組織之間的合作與互動亦可視為價值共創的一種型態。爰此,本研究欲探討參與「大同共好.青椒聚落」的組織之間是如何進行價值共創,且其中的價值與機制為何。本研究採質化研究途徑,以「大同共好.青椒聚落」為對象進行個案研究,依據研究目的與問題進行文獻蒐集和訪談大綱設計,且以半結構式深度訪談法進行訪談,訪談對象皆為擔任過聚落年度活動總籌單位的總召集者。接著,將針對所蒐集之資料、文獻梳理等內容進行分析討論並提出建議。 研究發現「大同共好.青椒聚落」目前尚未登記為一個正式組織,而是以籌辦年度大活動「青椒市集」作為契機,參與組織藉此機會串連在一起,以相互信任的關係作為基礎,且持包容與開放的態度進行換位思考,以共同面對問題與共享資源,共同突破資源的限制,積極地敞開更多的合作與資源整合。
The concept of value co-creation has become increasingly significant in today's society, emphasizing the collaborative efforts and resource integration among various stakeholders to collectively create value. Since social issues often involve multiple stakeholders, a single organization or individual may find it challenging to solve these problems alone. Through value co-creation, different stakeholders have the opportunity to participate together in problem-solving processes and jointly create value. The "Datong Common Good Market" initiative brings together several organizations in Taipei's Datong District, focusing on issues related to children and youth. Through their annual event, the " Datong Common Good Market," they connect the target beneficiaries with various resources. By integrating and sharing resources, the initiative allows the community to break free from geographical and organizational boundaries and co-create a platform that is friendly to the learning and growth of children and youth. The collaboration and interaction among the participating organizations can also be seen as a form of value co-creation. Therefore, this study aims to explore how value co-creation takes place among the organizations involved in the" Datong Common Good Market " initiative and the values and mechanisms that underlie it. Qualitative research methods are employed in this study, focusing on the " Datong Common Good Market " initiative as the case study. Data collection and interview outlines are designed based on the research objectives and questions, with semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with the individuals who have served as the coordinators for the annual event. Subsequently, the collected data and reviewed literature will be analyzed and discussed to provide recommendations.The study finds that the" Datong Common Good Market " initiative is currently not registered as a formal organization. Instead, it functions as a platform centered around the annual event " Datong Common Good Market," where participating organizations come together and build relationships based on mutual trust. With an inclusive and open attitude, they engage in empathetic thinking, jointly address problems, share resources, and actively break through the limitations of resources, thereby fostering greater collaboration and resource integration.



價值共創, 資源, 大同共好.青椒聚落, Value Co-Creation, Resources, Datong Common Good Market





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