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本研究旨在探討日常飲食中之營養素攝取及高度糖化終產物 (advanced glycation end products, AGEs)暴露量與經痛之相關性。實驗招募年齡介於19‒33歲之健康生育期女性104位,由專責營養師針對受試者進行體位測量、飲食紀錄、疼痛問卷、月經週期紀錄表及經期生理不適量表之紀錄,並根據經痛程度將受試者分為控制組 (n = 11)輕度經痛組 (n = 42)與中重度經痛 (n = 51)三組,利用三天飲食紀錄評估受試者膳食中之營養素攝取及AGEs暴露量,並搭配非侵入式AGE reader量測皮膚中之AGEs累積。單因子多變項檢定結果顯示,受試者之膳食AGEs暴露量或皮膚AGEs累積量與其經痛程度並無顯著差異 (p > 0.05)。相關性及多元迴歸分析發現,控制了年齡、身高、體重及BMI,中重度經痛受試者之膳食纖維攝取量與經痛程度則呈顯著負相關 (p = 0.049 ),顯示攝取較多膳食纖維之飲食型態可能具有減緩經痛之潛力。本研究受試者侷限於19−33歲間之年輕女性,體內基礎代謝與AGEs累積較年長之女性不同,未來仍須招募不同年齡層之受試者作進一步之分析與驗證。研究結果顯示104名受試者中,中重度經痛者約佔半數,但其營養素攝取、膳食及皮膚高度糖化終產物值與控制組及輕微經痛組相比並無顯著差異。於相關性及多元迴歸分析中發現控制年齡、身高、體重及BMI後,中重度經痛受試者膳食纖維攝取量與經痛程度呈顯著負相關,但全體受試者中並無此現象。本研究雖發現經痛程度與膳食纖維攝取量的關係,但並無發現膳食高度糖化終產物攝取量及皮膚高度糖化終產物吸光值與經痛的相關性,然而因本研究規模較小,研究結果尚須大型人體試驗進行驗證及確認。
The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of dietary nutrients and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) intakes on dysmenorrhea. A total of 143 participants were recruited, and 104 were eligible for inclusion and divided into three groups according to the intensity of dysmenorrhea: the control group (n = 11) who were the absence of dysmenorrhea, the mild dysmenorrhea group (n = 42), and the moderate-severe dysmenorrhea group (n = 51). Anthropometric measurements, dietary records and menstrual questionnaires were collected by dietitian. Daily dietary nutrient and AGEs intakes were assessed based on 3-day Food Record. The skin AGEs was measured noninvasively by AGE reader. Our resultsshow that there is no significant difference between neither dietary AGEs exposure levels nor skin AGEs levels and their dysmenorrhea intensity (p > 0.05). Correlation and multiple regression analysis have revealed the significantly negative correlation (p = 0.049) between dietary fiber intake and dysmenorrhea intensity in moderate-severe group after age, height, weight and BMI being controlled, indicating that a diet containing more fiber might have potential to relieve dysmenorrhea. The subjects in the present study are limited to young women between 19−33 years old whose basal metabolism and the accumulation of AGEs are different from older female. In the future, it is necessary to recruit the subjects in different age groups with the aim of making the sample as diverse as possible for future analysis.



經痛, 飲食型態, 膳食纖維, 高度糖化終產物, dysmenorrhea, dietary pattern, dietary fiber, advanced glycation end products





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