
dc.contributorHsueh-Chih Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiu-Hui Suen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討中文遠距聯想作業之構成要素對題目答對率的影響,及其與擴散性、頓悟性思考之關聯。故以新編中文遠距聯想量表題庫為選題範圍,以「逆向聯結線索字個數」、「線索字聯想方向轉換次數」、「線索字可連結字數和」、「破音字出現之位置」四個構成要素選題,編製成四份不同的中文遠距聯想作業,選取臺北市三所國中七、八、九年級的學生251人進行施測,以單因子受試者內變異數分析,了解構成要素對題目答對率的影響,再與擴散性思考測驗及頓悟性思考測驗之得分進行積差相關分析。 實驗一結果發現中文遠距聯想作業中,「逆向聯結線索字之個數」對題目答對率的影響有顯著差異,0個逆向聯結線索字的題目答對率顯著高於1個、2個、3個逆向聯結線索字的題目答對率,2個逆向聯結線索字的題目答對率顯著高於3個的題目答對率。0個、1個、2個、3個逆向聯結線索字的題目答對率與新編創造思考測驗之七個指標分數並無顯著相關存在。而0個逆向聯結線索字的題目答對率與頓悟性問題測驗得分有顯著的相關存在。 實驗二結果發現中文遠距聯想作業中,「線索字聯想方向轉換之次數」對題目答對率的影響有顯著差異,線索字聯想方向轉換0次的題目答對率顯著高於1次、2次的題目答對率,線索字聯想方向轉換2次的題目答對率卻顯著高於1次的題目答對率。線索字聯想方向轉換次數為0次且皆為逆向聯結線索字、線索字聯想方向轉換1次、線索字聯想方向轉換2次的題目答對率與新編創造思考測驗之語文變通力有顯著相關存在。另外,聯想方向轉換次數為1次的題目答對率與新編創造思考測驗之圖形精進力達顯著相關。線索字聯想方向轉換1次及2次的題目答對率與頓悟性問題測驗得分有顯著的相關存在。 實驗三結果發現三個線索字皆為順向聯結之中文遠距聯想作業中,「線索字可連結字數和」對題目答對率的影響有顯著差異,低可連結字數和的題目答對率顯著高於中、高可連結字數和的題目。中線索字可連結字數和的題目答對率與新編創造思考測驗之語文流暢力及語文變通力有顯著正相關存在;低線索字可連結字數和的題目答對率與新編圖形創造思考測驗之精進力達顯著相關。而中線索字可連結字數和的題目答對率與頓悟性問題測驗得分有顯著相關存在。 實驗四結果發現中文遠距聯想作業中,「破音字出現之位置」對題目答對率的影響有顯著差異,皆無破音字及線索字出現破音字的題目答對率皆顯著高於目標字出現破音字的題目答對率。目標字出現破音字的題目答對率與新編創造思考測驗之圖形變通力有顯著相關存在,且在語文變通力方面臨界顯著。目標字出現破音字的題目答對率與頓悟性問題測驗得分有顯著相關存在。 綜合以上四個實驗得知,「逆向聯結線索字個數」、「線索字聯想方向轉換次數」、「線索字可連結字數和」、「破音字出現之位置」四個構成要素對中文遠距聯想作業之題目答對率皆有顯著的影響,而且由其相關研究可以得知遠距聯想的歷程中包含了擴散性思考因子,變通力尤其顯著,關聯最大。且中文遠距聯想作業確實與頓悟性思考測驗有相似的特質,表示遠距聯想的認知運作機制與頓悟性思考的歷程相同。本研究結果未來可作為編製中文遠距聯想量表的參考,且對於創造力認知歷程有進一步的了解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of the thesis are to study how the properties in the Chinese Remote Association Test affect participants’ passing rate and its correlation with the Divergent Thinking Test, and the Insight Thinking Test. The Chinese remote association items have 4 properties, “the numbers of backward association cue words”, “the time of direction-switch the participants used to associate cue words”, “the sum the cue words that can be connected” and “the place the homonyms appear”, respectively. Using this four properties design 4 experiments. The participants were 7th, 8th and 9the grade students were drawn from four different junior high schools in Taipei. Their passing rates on the Chinese remote association task were analyzed first by one-way ANOVA and then used the Pearson correlation testing the correlation among the Chinese remote association task, Divergent Thinking Test and the Insight Thinking Test. In experiment 1, the result demonstrated that in the Chinese Remote Association task, the number of backward association cue words significantly influenced participants’ passing rate. The passing rate on items with 0 backward association cue word is higher than those with 1, 2, or 3 backward association cue words, and the passing rate on items with 2 backward association cue words is higher than those with 3. No Correlation was founded between the passing rates on items with 0, 1, 2, or 3 backward association cue words and the seven indices scores on Divergent Thinking Test. However, the passing rate on items with no backward association cue word is significantly correlated with scores on Insight Thinking Test. In experiment 2, it is showed that the times of direction-switch the students used to associate cue words affects participants’ passing rate significantly. The passing rate on items with cue words which need no switch is higher than those that need 1 or 2 switches, and the passing rate on items with cue words that need 2 switches is higher than those that need 1. There are significant correlations between the verbal flexibility on the Divergent thinking Test and the passing rate on items with backward association cue words that need no switch, the passing rate on items with cue words that need 1 switch, and the passing rate on items with cue words that need 2 switches. Moreover, one significant correlation was found between the passing rate on items with cue words that need 1 switch and the figure elaboration on the Divergent Thinking Test. Another significant correlation was found between the passing rate on items with cue words that need 1 and 2 switches and the scores on the Insight Thinking Test. In experiment 3, we found that when the three cue words are all forward association ones, the number of cue words that can be connected affects participants’ passing rate a lot. The passing rate on items with smaller number of cue words that can be connected is significantly higher than those with middle and larger number of cue words that can be connected. One positive correlation was found between verbal fluency and flexibility on the Divergent Thinking Test and the passing rate on items with middle number of cue words that can be connected. Another significant correlation was found between figure elaboration on the Divergent Thinking Test and the passing rate on items with smaller number of cue words that can be connected. Still another great correlation was found between the passing rate on items with middle number of cue words that can be connected and the scores on the Insight Thinking Test. In experiment 4, there is a great difference between participants’ passing rates and the “the place the homonyms appear.” Participants performed better when there is no homonym or the cue words have homonyms. A great correlation was found between the passing rate on items with the target word that has homonyms and the figure flexibility on the DivergentThinking Test, while the correlation between the pass rate on items with the target word that has homonyms and the verbal flexibility is approximately significant. Another significant correlation was found between the pass rate on items with the target word that has homonyms and the Insight Thinking Test. The experiments above shows that “the numbers of backward association cue words”, “the time of direction-switch the participants used to associate cue words”, “the sum the cue words that can be connected” and “the place the homonyms appear” affect participants’ passing rate. According to related studies, the processes in the remote association have “divergent thinking”. And the most significant one among the seven indices of the Divergent Thinking Test is flexibility. There is something in common between “Chinese Remote Association Test” and “Insight Thinking Test.” It means that the processes involved in solving the “Chinese Remote Association Test” and the “Insight Thinking Test” is the same. The results of this study can be used to construct a “Chinese Remote Association Test” and to help people understand the cognitive process of creativity.en_US
dc.subjectremote associationen_US
dc.subjectdivergent thinkingen_US
dc.subjectinsight thinkingen_US
dc.subjectforward associationen_US
dc.subjectbackward associationen_US
dc.titleThe Analysis of Properties of the Chinese Remote Association Test and its Correlation with the Divergent Thinking Test and the Insight Thinking Testen_US


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