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在科技日新月異的時代,一個國家未來的發展潛力與該國人民之科學、科技、工 程與數學(STEM)素養有著密切關係,為此世界主要先進國家均將培養STEM 專業人才 視為高等教育的重要目標之一。根據台灣高等教育整合資料庫調查分析,國內有三成以 上就讀STEM 相關科系的大一學生對其科系沒有興趣,想要轉系或轉校者高達36.5% ; 另外,資料顯示在技術校院就讀STEM 領域的學生,知覺其學習技能不足的比率高於一 般大學學生,顯示如何提升技術校院理工科系學生學習技能為刻不容緩之議題。檢視相 關研究發現,目前國內對於技術校院學生學習STEM 課程所需之技能研究闕如,也鮮少 探討那些學習支援系統及服務能有效的協助學生順利完成學業。因此本研究擬採用焦點 團體訪談及兩階段問卷調查方法探究技術校院STEM 領域學生及教師對於學生學習技能 與支持系統之知覺情形,並分析師生看法之異同,針對意見不一致的項目,設計第二階 段開放式問卷探討其中的原因;此外,運用差異分析及需求評估技術探討學生對於不同 學習技能與支持服務項目的需求程度。本研究採方便抽樣,選取50 名技術校院教師及 5,000 名STEM 學生進行施測。最後,根據研究發現提出強化技術校院STEM 領域學生 學習技能及支援系統之建議,以期提升國內STEM 領域學生的學習能力與品質,增進我 國科技領域人才培育之能量與成效。
It is commonly agreed that the level of people’s knowledge, skills, and attitude toward science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) could be viewed as a predictor for the development of a country in the future. In recent decades, producing a sufficient pool of qualified graduates in STEM areas has become an urgent goal for most of the developed countries. In Taiwan, a national data indicates that one third of freshmen in STEM are not interested in their major and 36.5% first-year students would like to change major or institution. The statistics also shows that STEM students from technology and vocational education (TVE) feel more insufficient in study skills when compared to those from research-oriented universities. A literature review indicated that little is known about study skills and support services needed for student success in STEM fields, especial for students in higher TVE in Taiwan. Thus, this research plans to conduct focus group interviews and a two-phase survey to explore above issues. A convenience sampling strategy will be employed to recruit fifty faculty members and 5,000 STEM students in higher TVE to participate. Their perspectives about the importance, current competency and frequency use of the study skills will be identified as well as the importance and satisfaction of support services on the campus. The discrepancy analysis will be use to find the gap between desired and current statues. In addition, a needs assessment technique will be administered to discover the needs for skills and services. If differences between student and faculty views are found, an in-depth open-ended survey will be conducted to probe into the reasons. Knowledge about what students and faculty perspectives are should be of value to educators and researchers and to university managers for policy formation and the improvement of the quality of STEM education at higher technology and vocational institutions.
It is commonly agreed that the level of people’s knowledge, skills, and attitude toward science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) could be viewed as a predictor for the development of a country in the future. In recent decades, producing a sufficient pool of qualified graduates in STEM areas has become an urgent goal for most of the developed countries. In Taiwan, a national data indicates that one third of freshmen in STEM are not interested in their major and 36.5% first-year students would like to change major or institution. The statistics also shows that STEM students from technology and vocational education (TVE) feel more insufficient in study skills when compared to those from research-oriented universities. A literature review indicated that little is known about study skills and support services needed for student success in STEM fields, especial for students in higher TVE in Taiwan. Thus, this research plans to conduct focus group interviews and a two-phase survey to explore above issues. A convenience sampling strategy will be employed to recruit fifty faculty members and 5,000 STEM students in higher TVE to participate. Their perspectives about the importance, current competency and frequency use of the study skills will be identified as well as the importance and satisfaction of support services on the campus. The discrepancy analysis will be use to find the gap between desired and current statues. In addition, a needs assessment technique will be administered to discover the needs for skills and services. If differences between student and faculty views are found, an in-depth open-ended survey will be conducted to probe into the reasons. Knowledge about what students and faculty perspectives are should be of value to educators and researchers and to university managers for policy formation and the improvement of the quality of STEM education at higher technology and vocational institutions.