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多義詞包含多個意義相關聯的義項。在語言學習上,詞彙的一詞多義往往造成學習者的難點 (邢志群,2011) 。認知語言學家認為語義延伸的本質為隱喻而非任意產生 (Lakoff& Johnson, 1980)。 近年來許多研究指出提升學習者的隱喻意識有助於多義詞學習 (Koveceses & Szabo, 1996; Boers, 2000a; 黃弈寧,2015;蕭惠貞,2017)。有鑑於此,本文欲以「吃」、「上」、「白」三高頻多義詞探究融入隱喻概念與詞彙教學上之效用,並就研究結果提出教學建議,以期幫助中高級華語學習者解決學習難點。 本研究由前測篩選出38位中高級程度學生。實驗流程包含詞彙學習階段、即時後測與延時後測。實驗組與對照組透過生詞表學習「吃」、「上」、「白」所構成的18個詞彙。兩組主要差異在於生詞單是否以隱喻原則分組。研究結果顯示:1.提升學習者隱喻意識有助於華語學習者相關詞彙之學習,主要幫助在於詞彙於記憶中之留存。實驗組與對照組在延時後測中的總分與自由回憶題型皆達顯著差異(延時總分:M = 71.97 vs. 60.76, p = .045;延時自由回憶:M =32.40 vs. 21.66, p = .034)。2. 兩組在詞義理解題型上無顯著差異,但實驗組得分較對照組高。實驗組與對照組皆無因詞彙隱喻類型不同而產生顯著差異。然而,兩組於即時測驗時在方位隱喻「上」所構成的詞彙上成績較好,對照組與實驗組得分相同,本文認為其成因為雖對照組使用傳統英文釋義學習詞彙,但仍就以自身經驗理解此類詞彙所致。3.在相關詞彙類推上,雖無顯著差異,但實驗組表現亦優於對照組。綜上所述,本研究認為詞彙學習時若能提高學習者隱喻意識能使學習者在多義詞各詞項間創造有意義的連結,減輕其記憶負擔,提高學習效益。
Polysemy is a word with two or more different but related meanings. In language learning, polysemous words are considered to be difficult for L2 learners. Semantic extension is based on metaphor rather than arbitrariness from the cognitive perspective (Lakoff& Johnson, 1980). Recent experimental studies show that polysemous words learning can be enhanced by raising the learners’ metaphor awareness. In this study, the Chinese polysemous words “Chi” and “Shang” and “Bai” are chosen as target words in order to examine whether metaphor awareness can facilitate Chinese polysemous words learning. 38 CSL learners with intermediate or higher level of Chinese participating in this study are selected by a pre-test. Participants are in either an experimental group or control group and follows an experimental procedure with a learning stage, a post-test and a delayed post-test. The two groups learn 18 target words with different word lists. The experimental group’s list is organized by metaphor theme and the control group’s list is not. The results show that: (1) Raising the learners’ metaphor awareness can help learners acquire polysemous words and greatly facilitate the retention of the words in their memory. The two groups demonstrate a significant difference (p=.045), especially on the task of free recall (p=.034). (2) The two groups demonstrate no significant difference on the task of understanding meaning although the experimental group has higher scores than the control group. There is also no significant difference between the two groups on the performance of the various types of metaphorical words. However, both groups perform better on the orientational metaphor “Shang” in the post-test and the control group achieves the same score as the experimental group. From our perspective, this result shows that orientational metaphors are rooted in human experience with the environment, thus the participants can, through their experience, understand easily with or without the help of metaphor awareness. (3) The experimental group performs well on the extended novel words but there is no significant difference with the control group.



多義詞, 隱喻意識, 詞彙學習, Polysemy, Metaphor Awareness, Vocabulary Learning





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