
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的在瞭解台北市公立高中職教師知覺學校教師會角色定位、組織功能與其參與程度的關係,以作為台北市各公立高中職學校教師會未來運作之參考。 本研究以調查研究法進行,透過問卷調查與深度訪談進行資料蒐集。研究工具為自編之「台北市公立高中職教師知覺學校教師會角色定位、組織功能與其參與程度關係之研究調查問卷」,經專家會議及問卷預試,完成研究工具之信效度檢驗,對台北市公立高中職教師進行問卷調查,以叢集抽樣,共發出問卷1270份,回收有效問卷為748份,有效問卷回收率為59%。問卷資料經統計分析,獲得以下主要結論: 台北市公立高中職教師知覺學校教師會角色定位、組織功能的差異偏向正向;而其參與學校教師會的程度則偏向負向。學校教師會角色定位各個構面及整體與組織功能各個構面及整體之間,角色定位各個構面及整體與參與程度之間,以及組織功能各個構面及整體與參與程度之間,其相關均達顯著水準,且均為正相關。 在各背景變項方面,男性教師知覺學校教師會之角色定位、組織功能與其參與程度高於女性教師;年齡較長、服務年資較長之教師知覺學校教師會之角色定位、組織功能與其參與教師會的程度高於年齡較輕、服務年資較短之教師;未曾兼任行政之教師知覺學校教師會之角色定位在「壓力團體」構面高於曾經兼任行政之教師;完全中學高中部、普通高中之教師知覺學校教師會角色定位高於職業學校之教師;完全中學高中部之教師知覺學校教師會組織功能高於職業學校之教師。曾為學校教師會會員、曾經擔任教師會職務、擔任教師會職務年資較長之教師知覺學校教師會之角色定位、組織功能與其參與程度高於未曾加入學校教師會成為會員、未曾擔任教師會職務、擔任教師會職務年資較短之教師。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to explore the relation of teachers’ perception to the roles and organization functions and their participation of public senior high school teachers’ association in Taipei City. According to the result of this research, some suggestions are proposed for the references to improve the work of teachers’ association of public senior high schools in Taipei City. Descriptive method, aided with literature reviews and surveys, used in this study to collect the information. The research uses a self-developed questionnaire entitled “Questionnaire on teachers’ perception of role, organization function and their participation of teacher’s association of public senior- high school in Taipei City”as an instrument after pre-test and experts’ consultation. In this stratified random sampling technique, 1,270 questionnaires sent in June 2007, there are 748 questionnaires received in July 2007, which reveals 59% of the questionnaire validity. After the statistical analysis of these samples, the main conclusions were summarized as below: The teachers of public senior high schools in Taipei City took positive attitude to the roles and organization functions of their school teachers’ association, but they took negative attitude to participate in their school teachers’ association. All the factors mentioned of teachers’ perception to the roles and those of the perception to the organization functions and their participation of public senior high school teachers’ association in Taipei City were significant positive related to each other. As to the background variables, the perception to the roles and organization functions and the participation of school teachers’ association of male teachers were more positive than those of female teachers. Those of older teachers were more positive than younger teachers. Those of the teachers who serve longer were more positive than those of the teachers who serve shorter. Those of the teachers who have ever join school teachers’ association were more positive than those of the teachers who have ever join school teachers’ association. Those of the teachers who have ever worked as staff of school teachers’ association were more positive than those of the teachers who have never . And the longer the teachers worked , more positive those of the teachers were. The perception to the role of school teachers’ association as a pressure group of the teachers who have never worked as administrative staff were more positive than that of the teachers who have ever worked as administrative staff. The perception to the role of school teachers’ association of the teachers who serve in senior high school of complete school and general high school was more positive than that of the teachers who serve in vocational high school’s teachers.The perception to the organization functions of school teachers’ association of the teachers who served in senior high school of complete school was more positive than that of the teachers who serve in vocational high school.en_US
dc.titleThe Research on the Teacher’s Perception of Role, Organization Function, and Participation of Teachers’ Association of Public Senior High Schools in Taipei Cityen_US

