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有鑒於電子資源發展迅速、資訊媒體形式多元、使用者資訊搜尋行為與態度快速改變,致使互通性議題自1990 年代開始受到重視,異質整合檢索系統亦如雨後春筍般崛起。圖書館面臨經費逐年下降情況,如何在眾多且複雜的異質整合檢索系統中挑選,成為圖書館關切議題之一。 本論文旨在探討異質整合檢索系統間運用之技術及功能,以為圖書館採購產品之參考依據;並進一步瞭解目前國內已使用異質整合檢索系統之單位現況及具體成效。為達前述目的,本論文以MetaFind、SmartWeaver、HySearch、MuseSearch及MetaLib/ SFX 為例,運用文獻分析法、訪談法及實証研究法,探討異質整合檢索系統相關議題文獻,擬定訪談大綱,並產出系統評估準則以實際於系統中驗證之。 是以綜合文獻分析、訪談及進行五家異質性資源整合檢索系統功能評估之結果,本研究的結論為: 1. 初階使用者為多數異質整合檢索系統鎖定之目標對象; 2. 整合檢索功能(Federated search)、支援多元化協定(Protocal)、知識庫服務(Knowledge Base)、OpenURL Linking Services、個人化及客製化(Customization and personalization)、認證機制(authentication)及使用統計(Usage statistics)為異質整合檢索系統目前所應具備之系統基 本功能; 3. 資訊組織之標準,如MARC、Dublin Core 及AACR 等,以及資訊交換與溝通標準,如Z39.50、OAI-PMH 及OpenURL 等協定,成為目前統所應用之相關技術; 4. 異質整合檢索系統在圖書館資源管理效能上廠商和使用用戶看法有差異; 5. 廠商和使用用戶均認為異質整合檢索系統對圖書館資訊服務與資源利用指導帶來新契機; 6. 標準協定為達成異質整合檢索系統資源溝通之工具及基礎。 最後,依據透通的資源取用精神,針對建構完善之個人化資訊檢索服務、系統採行標準協定、加強檢索結果精確度及發展系統以為服務流程整合之第一提出建議,期使異質整合檢索系統之功能得以更臻完善。
Since 1990, the rapid growth of electronic resources, the diverse form of information media and the quick change of users’ information searching behavior, the issue of interoperability was initially taken into account and the Integrated Searching Systems were also starting to grow. The importance of decision making on Integrated Searching Systems was increasingly higher for library with budget decreased by year.   In this thesis, we focus on the technology of how Integrated Searching Systems are operated. This research would help libraries to make the decision which system will be chosen. This research would also help us to grasp the progress for the use of Integrated Searching Systems in Taiwan. By taking five systems (MetaFind, SmartWeaver, HySearch, MuseSearch and MetaLib/ SFX ) and using three methods (literature review method, in-depth interview and empirical methodology), we analyze the Integrated Searching System related topics and literatures. The guideline of the estimated system is suitable for verifying in the real system.   The conclusions of literature review methods, in-depth interviews and estimated results of five Integrated Searching Systems were summarized as follows: 1. The beginner is targeted by most of the Integrated Searching Systems. 2. Federated search, Protocol, Knowledge Base, OpenURL Linking Services, Customization and personalization, authentication and Usage statistics should be the basic functions of Integrated Searching Systems at the present. 3. The standards of Information Organization like MARC, Dublin Core and AACR etc. and the standard of information exchange protocol like Z39.50, OAI-PMH and OpenURL etc. are the present system technology. 4. There are some arguments between supplier and users against the management efficiency of library resources by Integrated Searching Systems. 5. The suppliers and users agree with Integrated Searching Systems could bring the new chance for the information service of library and the instruction of resource usage. 6. The standard of the protocol is the tool and base for the communication among Integrated Searching Systems.   Base on the spirit of transparent information access, the author suggests the complete personal information index service build-up, the standard system protocol, the increase of the precision index results and the development of the integrated system services. These elements would comprise the complete Integrated Searching System.



數位圖書館, 異質系統, 整合檢索, 系統評估, 開放檔案詮釋資料擷取協定, 互通性, Digital Libraries, Heterogeneous system, Integrated retrieval, Integrated searching, System evaluation, OAI-PMH, Interoperability, MetaFind, SmartWeaver, HySearch, MuseSearch, MetaLib





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