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回聲效應指的是進行交際時,我們說出來的句子會重複使用說話者的句型、說話風格與詞彙選擇,甚至非語言的交際也會受到對方的影響(Giles, Coupland& Coupland, 1991)。回聲效應可分成產出與理解兩類。在產出一類,回聲效應一詞指的是說話者重用最近加工過的語法結構(Bock, 1986);而在理解的方面,回聲效應指的則是處理結構後,說話者對該結構更進一步的理解(Fine & Jaeger, 2013)。 我們知道我們所收到的輸入會影響我們的,但除了回聲效應是否還有其他因素能影響我們的語言。本文使用語用因素中的訊息結構以及攝取視角來判斷母語者以及外籍人士對回聲效應以及語用因素的影響力是否有差異。 本研究運用問卷調查同時進行兩個圖片描述任務實驗,主要測試「回聲效應與攝取視角」與「回聲效應與訊息結構」在理解以及產出的兩個方面。本文使用「結果動詞結構」(Resultative Verb Compounds、縮寫為RVC)作為啓動語句。研究結果指出,回聲效應與語用因素對於以中文為第一語言和以中文為第二語言的影響在於理解與產出的情況下會導致不同的結果。針對「回聲效應與攝取視角」在理解的方面兩組受試者受到回聲效應的影響,在產出的方面呈現不明顯的差異,而針對「回聲效應與訊息結構」受到回聲的影響則出現在於產出的階段。
It is often observed that people tend to match each other’s body movements, speech style, and patterns of language use during conversation (Giles Coupland and Coupland, 1991). Echoicity is the facilitation of processing that occurs when a sentence has the same syntactic form as a preceding sentence (Ledoux, Traxler,& Swaab, 2007). paper aims to study the effects that echoicity has against the effects of pragmatic factors on both native Mandarin Chinese speakers as well as non-native Mandarin Chinese speakers via a picture-description task that uses 23 resultative verb compounds, which also double as the prime sentence structure used in this study. It is widely known that the effects of echoicity are present regardless of mother tongue, age, and background, but are those effects greater than the effects that pragmatic factors also have on our choice of language? This study aims to study the effects that pragmatic factors such as information structure and perspective have on both native Mandarin Chinese speakers as well as non-native Mandarin Chinese speakers via an online questionnaire that compares (1) echoicity& perspective as well as (2) echoicity & information structure.



回聲效應, 訊息結構, 攝取視角, 語句產出, 語用因素, echoicity, pragmatic factors, sentence production, information structure, perspective





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