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國中生人際關係、人際衝突因應策略與心理健康之相關研究 ―以宜蘭地區為例 中文摘要   本研究旨在探討國中生之人際關係、人際衝突因應策略與心理健康之間的關係,以宜蘭地區之公立國中生740人為研究對象。研究工具包括「中學生人際關係量表」、「國中生人際互動量表」、「正向心理健康量表」。並以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單變量變異數分析、積差相關、典型相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。研究結果如下: 一、國中女生人際關係優於國中男生,而國中男生較國中女生傾向使用「競爭策略」因應人際衝突,在心理健康中「自我悅納」程度較佳。 二、七年級學生在人際關係中的「人際困擾」解決能力與「心理健康」都較佳,並較八、九年級少用「競爭策略」與「逃避策略」等負向人際衝突因應策略。 三、國中生人際關係、人際衝突因應策略與心理健康三者之間有關係。 四、根據典型相關,國中生就人際關係與策略而言,愈少使用「競爭策略」與「逃避策略」因應人際衝突者,及「人際困擾」解決能力愈佳者,其在心理健康中「情緒平衡」層面表現愈佳。 五、從多元迴歸分析中,人關係與人際衝突因應策略能有效預測心理健康約46%的變異量,而人際關係中的變項中,又以「人際認知」對心理健康的預測力較高。   最後,根據上述研究結果進行討論並提出相關建議,做為實務工作者及未來 研究之參考。
A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Students’ Interpersonal Relationships, Interpersonal Conflict Coping Strategies and Mental Health in Yilan County. Lin Wan Hui Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between interpersonal relationships, interpersonal conflict coping strategies and mental health of junior high school students. Among the public junior high school students in I-Lan, we randomly selected 740 students as the object of this study. Instruments used in this study include: “Interpersonal Relationships Scale for Junior High School Students”, “Interpersonal Interaction Scale”, and “Positive Mental Health Scale”. The obtained data was analyzed by statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, independent-sample T test, univariate analysis of variance, product moment correlation, canonical correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results reveals as follow: 1.In terms of interpersonal relationships, female junior high school students were better than male junior high school students; on the other hand, compared with female junior high school students, male junior high school students more often used “competitive strategy” coping with interpersonal conflicts, and they had a higher level of “self acceptance” in mental health. 2.Seventh-graders had better ability to solve “interpersonal disturbance” in interpersonal relationships and “mental health”. Moreover, Seventh-graders less often used negative interpersonal conflict coping strategies, such as “competitive strategy” and “avoidance strategy”, than did eighth-graders and ninth-graders. 3.Relationships between interpersonal relationships, interpersonal conflict coping strategies and mental health exist among junior high school students. 4.According to canonical correlation, as far as interpersonal relationships and strategies are concerned, the junior high school students, who used fewer“competitive strategy” and “avoidance coping strategy” with interpersonal conflicts, had better ability to solve “interpersonal disturbance”, and had better performance of “emotional balance” in mental health. 5.According to multiple regression analysis, interpersonal relationships and interpersonal conflict coping strategies can significant predict about 46% of the variation in mental health, wherein “interpersonal cognition” in interpersonal relationships had higher predictive power. Implications of the results for practitioners as well as suggestions for future research are proposed.



人際關係, 人際衝突因應策略, 心理健康, interpersonal relationships, interpersonal conflict coping trategies, mental health





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