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本研究以臺灣北部地區國中教師為研究對象,旨在編製測量國中教師「創造力教學行為」之合適量表工具,並探究國中教師「創造力教學行為」與「社會人口變項」、「創造力信念」以及「創造力教學自我效能感」之關係。研究工具為「創造力信念量表」,「創造力教學自我效能量表」,以及研究者自編之「創造力教學行為量表」等,量表經過預試之後修訂成正式問卷,針對547名國中教師施測,所得資料回收後,分別採用描述統計呈現各項統計數據,如平均數、標準差等;以探索性因素分析及驗證性因素分析建立量表之建構效度;以t檢定、多變量變異數分析、典型相關、階層迴歸分析等方法考驗研究假設。研究結果如下: 一、研究者自編「創造力教學行為量表」,包含「自主學習」、「創造思考」、「特質動機」及「環境機會」四個面向,信度分析及因素分析結果,量表具良好的內部一致性信度與建構效度,可用以評量國中教師從事創造力教學行為表現。 二、不同性別、教學年資、教育背景的國中教師,「創造力信念」、「創造力教學自我效能」及「創造力教學行為」無差異。 三、不同主要教學專長的國中教師,「創造力信念」、「創造力教學自我效能」及「創造力教學行為」有顯著差異。 四、國中教師之「創造力信念」、「創造力教學自我效能」與「創造力教學行為」三者之間彼此有顯著關聯存在。 五、國中教師的「主要任教專長」、「創造力信念」與「創造力教學自我效能」,分別可預測「創造力教學行為」。 六、國中教師的「創造力信念」及「創造力自我效能」排除背景變項以及彼此之影響之後,可聯合預測「創造力教學行為」。 最終,研究者依據研究結果,針對未來研究方向及推動創造力教育的實務工作提出建議,俾供參考。
The study aims to make up an applicative scale for “creativity-teaching behaviors”, and to investigate the correlations among “creativity-teaching behavior”, “social demographic variable”, “implicit theory of creativity” and “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching”. The procedure of the study was “the scale of implicit theory of creativity”, “the scale of Self-efficacy for creativity-teaching”, and “the scale of creativity-teaching behaviors” which was edited by the researcher. All the mentioned scales were reedited after the try-out. The participants of the research were 547 junior-high teachers. All the collected data was analyzed and represented in three steps: initially, the collected data was represented by descriptive statistics, e.g. mean, standard deviation and others. Next, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were both used to establish the construct validity of the scale. Additionally t-test, multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation analysis, hierarchical regression were used to examine the hypotheses of the study. The results are as followed: 1.The self-edited scale “the creativity-teaching behavior scale” by the researcher which includes “Autodidacticism”, “creative thinking”, “characteristics and motives” and “environment and chances” four dimensions, has well qualified internal consistent reliability and construct validity. The scale can be provided for assessing the creativity-teaching behaviors of junior high teachers in future. 2.Junior-high teachers with different gender, teaching seniority, educational background, performed equally in their “implicit theory of creativity”, “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching”, and “creativity-teaching behaviors”. 3.Junior-high teachers with different main professional specialties demonstrated significant differences in their “implicit theory of creativity”, “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching” and “creativity-teaching behaviors”. 4.Junior-high teachers’ “implicit theory of creativity”, “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching” and “creativity-teaching behaviors” demonstrated significant correlations among each other. 5.Individually, junior-high teachers’ “main teaching specialties”, “implicit theory of creativity” and “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching” can forecast “behaviors of creativity-teaching”. 6.Junior-high teachers’ “main teaching specialties”, “self-efficacy for creativity-teaching” can be combined to forecast “behaviors of creativity-teaching” after eliminating the background-variables. At last, according to the results of the research, suggest to the research directions and the application of promoting creativity education in the future.



創造力教學, 創造力信念, 創造力教學自我效能, teaching for creativity, implicit theory of creativity, self-efficacy for creativity-teaching





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