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本研究主要探究特殊教育學校在少子化的衝擊下,為避免減班與超額教師問題,大多採用代理代課教師做為首要選擇;但在日漸趨於重度、極中度的特殊教育學校中,幾乎年年更替的代理代課教師是否能符應學生的學習需求,順應課程綱要的基本要求。透過個案訪談,瞭解特殊教育學校代理教師教學過程中影響教學效能的因素為何,並透過內外在因素分析進而瞭解代理教師教學效能的困境為何,並於結論與建議中給予協助及支持。 基於研究目的與研究問題,本研究採個案研究法,針對全台,北、中、南、東特殊教育學校代理教師訪談,透過溝通互動詮釋學校各種現象,以深入了解影響特殊教育學校代理教師教學效能的因素。依照訪談題綱分為四大部分「具備良好教學效能的特殊教育學校代理教師之要素」、「影響教學效能的因素」、「教學上最需解決的問題」、「增進特殊教育學校代理教師教學效能之建議與分享」。 本研究依據訪談結果得到以下結論:特殊教育學校代理教師應具備的教學效能中,班級經營與管理是最多受訪者提及的向度;影響教學效能的因素,包含教學者本身背景經歷、教學者年資、代理教師擔任職務、學生特殊性與特別差異等因素。在代理教師教學困境中,較多被提及的是班級經營與管理及專業知能與成長;困境的因應策略中,多以詢問和經驗分享為主要方式。針對特殊教育學校代理教師教學效能未來可能的方向中,以增進代理教師教學效能之策略與最急迫解決的問題為主。根據上述結論,分別針對特殊教育學校代理教師、學校單位、教育主管機關與未來研究等四方面提出具體之建議。
This study mainly explores the special schools in the impact of the birth of children, in order to avoid the problem of substandard and excess teachers, substitute agents are mostly used as the primary choice; but in increasingly severe, very moderate special education schools, almost Acting on behalf of substitute teachers each year whether to meet the learning needs of students, to comply with the basic requirements of the syllabus. Through case interviews, we can understand the factors that affect teaching effectiveness in the teaching of Acting Special Schools in schools of special education and understand the predicament of acting teachers' effectiveness through internal and external factor analysis. We also provide assistance and support in the conclusions and recommendations Based on the research purpose and research questions, this study adopts a case study approach to interview all Acting Teachers in special education schools in Taiwan, North, Central, South and East China. Through the interaction between schools, we can interpret all kinds of school phenomena so as to gain a better understanding of the teaching of Acting Teachers that affect special education schools. Effectiveness factor. According to the interview, the topic is divided into four parts: "the factors that influence the effectiveness of teaching" and "the most important problems to be solved in teaching", "promoting the teaching of Acting Teachers in Special Education Schools Performance advice and sharing. " Based on the interview results, this study draws the following conclusions: Class teaching and management in the special education schools should be the orientation most mentioned by the respondents; factors affecting the teaching effectiveness include the background experiences of the teaching staff, teaching Years of seniority, acting as a teacher positions, student special and special differences and other factors. Acting teachers in teaching predicament, the more mentioned is the class management and professional knowledge and growth; difficult predicament strategies, mostly to ask and experience sharing as the main way. Aiming at the possible future direction of the teaching effectiveness of the Acting Teachers in special education schools, the strategies to promote the teaching effectiveness of Acting Teachers and the most urgent problems should be mainly given. Based on the above conclusions, concrete suggestions are made respectively for the special education school agency teachers, school units, education authorities and future research.



教學效能, 代理教師, 特殊教育學校, teaching effectiveness, substitute teachers, special education schools





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