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本研究旨在探討國小教師在學校結構與社會文化脈絡中形成的身分認同意義,研究目的為瞭解不同師資培育背景的國小教師身分認同樣貌,分析影響國小教師身分認同的結構限制,並發掘透過教師身分認同的意義覺察而能開展的實踐潛能。研究方法採敘事取徑,以訪談法蒐集八位國小教師的經驗資料,依據師資培育制度的變革,分為師資培育一元化時期與多元化時期來組織教師經驗敘事的再現,其中一元化時期包括師專、師院與學士後師資班背景的教師,多元化時期主要是師院和一般大學修畢教育學程的教師。 師資培育一元化的時代,早期師專的公費制度提供穩定的經濟補助,吸引優秀的貧寒學生選擇就讀,保守封閉的師範教育體系依規格化的標準,意圖將師範生訓練為素質整齊的忠誠服從者,而教師關愛學生的傳統形象也內化到師專生的自我認同。改制師院之後,隨著政治民主化與社會開放多元,教師開始反思批判學校薪資分配和學科分化模糊等問題,學士後師資班出身的教師則明顯體會到學校整體文化與個人信念之間的拉鋸與衝突。師資培育多元化的時代,教師面臨頻繁的改革要求,學生特殊需求與家長的不信任帶來莫大壓力,教師承擔的角色和責任比過去更為多重複雜。而在時代變遷中仍存續不變的教師身分認同樣貌,則是教師一致認同自身的道德使命,以及保持省思與不斷追求成長的自我期許。 教師身分認同在結構條件的影響下,受到權力規訓與專業主義的控制,過去被操控其執行任務的角色功能,今日被賦予專業人員的角色期望,卻未真正擁有相對的專業地位,績效導向的政策與改革運作模式和教師身分認同之間的不一致,限制了教師能動性的開展。教師尋求突破結構限制的契機,在於身分認同建構歷程中的意識覺醒與批判反思,並透過日常生活的教學實踐和師生關係達成實際的行動與影響力。
This study aimed to explore primary school teachers’ professional identities and related contributive structural and social-cultural factors in Taiwan education context. The purposes of this study were to gain a better understanding of the formation of primary school teachers’ identities through their teacher education backgrounds; to analyze how structural constraints affected teachers’ identities; and to discover the potential of teachers while they become aware of the meaning of professional identities. A narrative research approach was applied in this study based on the interviews with eight primary school teachers. To reflect the change of teacher education policy indeed has impact on teachers’ professional identities, the discussions of the findings are divided into two parts: teachers received their training before the 1995 Teacher Education Act when teacher education was offered by 9 teacher colleges only; and teachers had their training since the new Teacher Education Act was implemented that teacher education programs has opened up to all comprehensive universities. Before the 1995 Teacher Education Act was promulgated, government financial aid supported many elite students with a financial need to enroll in junior teachers colleges. However, in line with the standardized criteria, these students were trained to become loyal followers with coherent quality under the conservative and closed teacher education system. Moreover, the traditional image of caring-teachers internalized junior teachers college students with their self-identity accordingly. Along with the teacher education reformed, the changes in political democracy and the diversity development in our society, teachers had started to critically reflect on issues of school’s salary allocation model and the ambiguity of academic subjects’ differentiation. In particular, teachers with an education post-baccalaureate background had evidently encountered conflicts and struggles between the school’s overall culture and their personal beliefs. After the 1995 Teacher Education Act been put into practice, teachers experienced overwhelming pressure because of frequent education reforms, special needs requested from students and questioning by parents. The roles and the responsibilities of teachers had become much more complicated than the past. Fascinatingly, though time changed and policies varied, many teachers had still retained their self-identity unaffected by maintaining and demonstrating their consistent moral mission, constant self-reflection, and self-expectation in the pursuit of professional development and growth as a teacher. Under the structural conditions, teachers’ identities have been restrained by the power of disciplinary and professionalism. A teacher who was used to function as an executive in school is now given expectations to be a professional, but without having a equivalent professional status. The inconsistency of accountability-oriented reform policies and teachers’ identities has constrained the teachers’ agency to carry out their initiatives. However, teachers still seek after opportunities to break through structural restrictions, the prospect lies in their consciousness awakening and critical reflection via the course of identity construction, the actions and true impacts through pedagogical praxis and teachers-students relationships in their daily lives.



教師身分認同, 師資培育, 敘事探究, teacher identity, teacher education, narrative inquiry





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