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本研究之目的主要有四點:其一為探究師生背景在國小師生關係上的差異。其二為探究教師人格特質、教師幸福感與國小師生關係間的關聯性。其三為探究國小師生關係的類型與比例。其四為探究師生背景、教師人格特質、教師幸福感在國小師生關係上的解釋力。本研究採問卷調查法對全國36所國民小學進行便利取樣,共得232位導師及5444位三到六年級學生之有效樣本。本研究工具包括「華人性格自評量表」、「國小教師幸福感量表」及「國小師生關係量表」。資料經多變項變異數分析、二階段集群分析、典型相關及階層線性模式分析後,獲致以下發現: 一、國小導師整體而言具有正向的人格特質及中高程度的教師幸福感。 二、國小學生整體而言具有良好的師生關係。 三、不同性別、師資培育背景之國小導師,在學生知覺之師生關係上有顯著 差異。 四、不同性別、年級之國小學生在其師生關係上有顯著差異。 五、國小學生之師生關係主要可分為三大類型。 六、國小導師人格特質與幸福感間有中度正向的典型相關。 七、國小導師人格特質與學生所知覺之師生關係間有低度正向的典型相關。 八、國小導師幸福感與學生所知覺之師生關係間有低度正向的典型相關。 九、國小導師背景、學生背景、導師人格特質、導師幸福感對學生所知覺之 師生關係具有顯著的解釋力。 最後依據本研究之發現,針對教育單位與教育工作者,以及未來研究方向兩方面提出具體建議。 關鍵詞:師生關係、人格特質、幸福感
There are four main purposes in this study: The first one is to examine the differences in teacher-student relationship among teachers’ and students’ several backgrounds. The second one is to explore the relationship among teachers’ personality traits, teachers’ happiness and teacher-student relationship. The third one is to explore the clusters and proportion of teacher-student relationship in elementary school. The last one is to find out if teachers’ and students’ backgrounds, teachers’ personality traits and teachers’ happiness could predict teacher-student relationship. The methodology of this research was a questionnaire survey. There were 232 teachers and 5444 students sampled from 36 schools participated in this study. The instruments employed in this study were the Chinese Personality Adjective Rating Scale, the Teacher’s Happiness Questionnaire, and the Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire. Data were statistically analyzed by MANOVA, cluster analysis, canonical correlation and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). The research draws the following conclusions: 1. The elementary school teachers as a whole have positive personality traits and marked high scores on happiness. 2. The elementary school students as a whole have positive teacher-student relationship. 3. There were significant differences in teacher-student relationship in terms of teachers’ gender and educational background. 4. There were significant differences in teacher-student relationship in terms of students’ gender and grades. 5. Teacher-student relationship in elementary school could be mainly classified into three different clusters. 6. There were moderate positive canonical correlations between teachers’ personality traits and teachers’ happiness. 7. There were low positive canonical correlations between teachers’ personality traits and teacher-student relationship. 8. There were low positive canonical correlations between teachers’ happiness and teacher-student relationship. 9. The teachers’ and students’ backgrounds, teachers’ personality traits and teachers’ happiness could significantly predict teacher-student relationship. Finally, according to the findings above, suggestions were given to educational administrations, teachers and future research.



師生關係, 幸福感, 人格特質, teacher-student relationship, personality traits, happiness





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