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隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,以科技輔助並培養學生具有獨立思考與解決問題能力是重要之研究議題,本研究欲結合專題導向學習與部落格從事多媒體專題寫作教學,設計並實施一合適的教學活動,並探討學生於有無提供專題寫作大綱兩種專題學習機制下的學習歷程與差異。此外也探討不同性別學生於部落格專題寫作歷程之差異。最後藉由研究結果提出建議,以作為部落格專題寫作教學之參考。 本研究之對象為新北市某高職商業之兩班的學生,共101位學生,其中女生有73人,男生有28人,其中一班為有提供大綱組,另一班則為無提供綱要組;進行音樂科的部落格專題寫作教學。 本研究採用量化內容分析及質化內容分析,根據研究結果發現:一、有提供大綱組,有比較多的釐清問題、訂定主題大綱的歷程;而未提供教學大綱組因無提供綱要,剛開始時會比較容易產生凌亂的討論,而在其後也有較多的反覆修正。但由於未加以限制文章綱要,有更大的空間與彈性供其發揮創意。二、女生在協調能力、分工合作、搜集資料、專題內容的深度與統整、小組互動的程度均較男生有較佳表現。惟男女生於討論的深度方面,則無顯著差異。
Along with the rapid development of Internet network technology, to assist and train college students’ abilities to think independently and solve problems is a crucial research topic, this study aims to combine project-based multimedia learning activity and blog technology to design and implement blog-based project writing teaching activities. This study explored the learning process and differences of two kinds of project-based learning mechanism (one with a writing outline as a scaffold and another without the scaffold). In addition, gender differences in the blog writing process were also explored. Finally, this study makes some recommendations to the teaching practice of writing as references for teachers and researchers according to the findings. The participants of this study were 101 students of two classes in a vocational high school in new Taipei City, of which there were 73 girls and 28 were boys. They were divided into two groups and asked to discuss and present their project of music course on their blogs. This study applied both quantitative content analysis and qualitative content analysis, according to the results we found that: First, the groups with outlines, there are more to clarify the project issue and set the writing topics; the groups with outlines would be more prone to start a discussion without a structure, and there are more in the subsequent repeated corrections during the project writing. However, the projects without the outlines have more space and flexibility for their creativity. Second, the girls have better performance than boys in the coordination, division of labor, gathering information, the depth of subject content and integration as well as the degree of group interaction. However, there was no significant difference of the depth of discussions between boys and girls.



專題導向學習, 部落格, 鷹架, Project-based learning, Blog, Scafoldding





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