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本研究旨在探討國中音樂教師教學困擾與專業成長之現況,使用研究者自編「國中音樂教師教學困擾與專業成長之調查問卷」作為研究問卷,調查105學年度任教於新北市公立國民中學之音樂教師共246人,問卷回收率為84.55%,有效問卷計208份。研究者將問卷所得之資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法進行分析與討論,茲歸納研究結果如下: 一、國中音樂教師的教學困擾現況有傾向困擾程度,以「外界支持」層面困擾最高。 二、國中音樂教師的專業成長具高度自我評價,以「音樂教學態度」層面評價最高。 三、「學校所屬類型」在一般地區任教的國中音樂教師在「外界支持」教學困擾顯著高於偏遠地區任教的國中音樂教師。 四、「任教年資」5年以下的國中音樂教師在「教學準備」、「教學實施」、「教學評量」及整體教學困擾顯著高於任教年資10年以上的國中音樂教師。 五、「最高學歷」碩士以上學歷的國中音樂教師在「音樂教學知能」和「學生輔導知能」專業成長程度顯著高於學士學歷的國中音樂教師。 六、「學校規模」以任教中型學校(13-24班)的國中音樂教師在「學生輔導知能」與整體專業成長程度顯著高於任教大型學校(49班以上)的國中音樂教師。 七、國中音樂教師教學困擾與專業成長具有顯著負向相關性。 最後研究者根據研究結果,對教育行政單位、國中音樂教師及未來相關研究提出相關建議。
The purpose of this study is to investigate junior high school music teachers’ teaching problems and professional growth in New Taipei City. The questionnaire used in this study is titled “The junior high school music teachers' teaching problems and professional growth scale ”. In total, 246 questionnaires were distributed and 208 of them were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product moment correlation analysis. The results are as follows: 1. The teaching problems of music teachers get more irritating, especially from "outer support". 2. The professional growth of junior high school teachers consider themselves are highly professional growth, especially in " attitude toward music teaching". 3. The teaching problems caused by “outer support” in the urban area are significantly higher than those in the rural area. 4. Music teachers whose teaching experiences are less than 5 years have morestruggles in “teaching readiness”, “teaching implementation” and “teaching assessment” than those whose teaching experiences are more than 10 years. 5. Music teachers who have master degree or higher have more professional growth in “music teaching methods” and “students counseling” than those who have bachelor degree. 6. Music teachers who serve in middle-scale schools (13-24 classes) have more professional growth in “students counseling ”and overall expertise than those who serve in in big-scale schools (above 49 classes). 7. There was a significant negtive correlation between the teaching problems and professional growth of junior high school music teachers. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed and several suggestions were given for music teachers, government, and further research in the future.



教學困擾, 專業成長, 國中音樂教師, teching problems, professional growth, junior high music teachers





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