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本研究目的在了解基督徒心理師的信仰對其諮商工作的影響,研究目的包括: (1)瞭解信仰與諮商經驗對基督徒心理師自身的影響(2)了解基督徒心理師的 信仰對諮商專業工作的影響(3)瞭解基督徒心理師的信仰和諮商間的衝突與整 合經驗(4)了解基督徒心理師在諮商中帶入信仰的相關倫理議題。本研究邀請 七位基督徒心理師,以半結構式訪談為資料蒐集方法,並以質性研究的紮根理論 方法歸納與分析訪談資料。 本研究的研究結果如下:(1)基督信仰與諮商經驗對心理師的影響:諮商 經驗主要影響了「心理」層面,信仰經驗影響的則是「心理」與「靈性」層面。 (2)基督信仰對基督徒心理師從事諮商工作的影響:基督信仰的影響是涵蓋整 個諮商工作的現象場,在心理師、個案與諮商專業中作用著,並能在困難時提供 支持,成為諮商師用來協助個案的資源。(3)衝突概念:基督徒心理師最常遇 到的衝突概念為「以神為主」V .S.「以人為主」的衝突,並在此之下面臨到捨己 或自主,絕對的信仰價值觀優先或諮商的尊重接納為主的掙扎。衝突、互補與統 整經驗:基督徒心理師在面對基督信仰與諮商專業衝突時,解決方式為他們受各 自的信仰與諮商經驗影響,所建構出來的個人化「整合模式」。(4)基督徒心理 師所面臨的專業倫理議題多為雙重關係與價值觀衝突經驗。 最後,研究者依據結果與討論,針對基督徒心理師和諮商實務工作者,以及 未來研究提出建議。
This study was to explore the impact of Christian counselor’s faith on their counseling works. The purpose of this research included: 1. To explore the impacts of Christian faith and counseling experience on Christian counselors. 2. To explore the impacts of Christian counselors’ faith on their counseling works. 3. To explore the conflicting and integrating experiences between the faith and counseling works for Christian counselors. 4. To explore the ethical issues involved for Christian counselors integrating their faith into counseling works. The study recruited seven Christian counselors. In-depth interviews were conducted and data were analyzed by grounded theory method. The findings were as followed: 1. The influence of counseling experience for Christian counselors was on psychological aspect, and the influence of faith for Christian counselors were on psychological and spiritual aspects. 2. Faith was the support and resource for the Christian counselors. 3. “the power of God” vs. “the power of men”; “to sacrifice oneself” vs. “ to hold free will of oneself” and “to conform to Christian values” vs. “to accept client’s values” were conflicting conceptions for Christian counselors. Christian counselors solved the conflicting conceptions by building up their faith and counseling experiences. 4. The professional ethical issues encountered by Christian counselors were dual relationship and value conflicts. Finally, the limitation of the study and suggestions for Christian counselors and future research were proposed.



信仰, 基督徒心理師, 諮商工作, Faith, Christian conselor, Counseling





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