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華語的關聯詞語具有連接詞、分句、句子及語段的功能,是複句重要的連接手段之一,表達了抽象的邏輯--語義關係,由於關聯詞語的功能和用法複雜多樣。一直是中高級教學階段的重點與難點,複句教學的關鍵是關聯詞語,但學習者往往有遺漏 (omission)、誤加 (addition)、誤用 (misformation)、錯序 (misordering) 等偏誤現象。 學習者的偏誤反映了現有的教學、教材、練習等方面未能滿足教學者與學習者之需求。本研究從學習者偏誤著手,從現有關聯詞語習得文獻、資深教師訪談、學習者訪談與關聯詞語測試等多方了解學習者偏誤之規律,並對海內外具代表性的華語綜合課教材進行分析,致力於建構減少關聯詞語偏誤之教學及練習模式。 為了了解教學試驗之可行性,本研究一共進行四輪之教學,比較學習者在教學前後之測試成果,可看出學習者在關聯詞語使用的準確度部分確有提升。本研究根據教學過程中的各項教學試驗,提出幾項具針對性的教學對策,並介紹了各項策略的基本操作方法,說明練習設計如何有效的結合關聯詞語的偏誤特點,依序如下:1) 系統化的教學模式,重視近義關聯詞語的對比。2) 循序漸進,階段性的鞏固與提高。3) 以舊代新,由淺入深。4) 主次分明,適度複現。期能為關聯詞語的教材編寫、練習設計、測試及教學等方面提供教學者更多的思考。
Chinese connectives connect words, clauses, sentences and paragraphs, serve as one of the important cohesive devices of complex sentences, and denote abstract logical-semantical relations. Due to the complexity of their grammatical usages, they have posed a huge challenge to mid to advanced Chinese L2 learners. The essential component in the teaching of compound and complex sentences is to teach connectives, but learners often have errors such as omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Learners’ errors show that current teaching, textbook compilation and exercise design of Chinese connectives could not meet students’ learning needs. Therefore, this empirical study starts from investigating learners’ pattern of errors based on current literature on Chinese L2 learners’ acquisition of Chinese connectives, interviews with experienced Chinese teachers and CSL learners, conducts Chinese connective tests, and investigate five sets of commonly-used integrated Chinese L2 textbooks in Taiwan and abroad in order to establish pedagogical strategies and exercise model. After four rounds of teaching trial and students’ pre- and post-test scores, the study finds that learners’ use of Chinese connectives has been improved. We propose some targeted teaching principles and discuss how to adopt those methods in teaching. These four principles are as the following: (1) constructing a systematic teaching model that emphasizes the comparison of similar Chinese connectives, (2) consolidating previous learning and improving it step by step, (3) from shallow to deep, teaching based on what have learned before, and finally (4) making a distinction between primary and secondary learning goals, and reviewing previous learning on a regular basis. It is hoped that these pedagogical strategies and principles could provide textbook writers and teachers more thoughts for textbook compilation, exercise design, testing, and curriculum development of Chinese connectives.



關聯詞語, 偏誤, 中級學習者, 教學策略, 教學與練習設計原則, Chinese connectives, error, intermediate learners, teaching strategies, principles of teaching and exercise design





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