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隨著大中華經濟圈在全球影響力日漸升高,學習商業華語的重要性也日益突顯,因而商業華語教材的需求更逐步加溫中。本論文的目的在研究泰國華語學習者的商業華語教學網站設計原則為何?將針對泰國商業華語教學網站教材規劃設計進行探討。研究方法採「發展研究法」,同時運用「內容分析法」。在內容分析部分,於第二章探討泰國台商、泰國華文教育、商業華語教學、文化教學、網路輔助語言教學,以及教學設計等方面。第三章探討研究方法、研究過程,以及研究範圍。第四章泰國商業華語現況之需求分析,進行現有相關網站與教材分析,並陳述師生問卷調查及台商訪談結果,亦討論網站設計及教材編寫的優缺點,以及探討學習者商業華語的需求要項。綜合相關之處,並歸納出網站教材設計要素與程序。第五章商業華語網站設計,綜合先前網站資料探討、需求分析、規劃設計、編輯製作等主要階段,發展出針對泰國學習者之商業華語教學網站教材,並採取試用與評鑑措施測試網站的實用性與針對性。第六章陳述本研究的結論、研究限制,以及未來研究展望。 本研究受訪對象為泰國大學中文系的教師及學生,採問卷調查方式總共發放278份問卷,問卷回收共有212份。研究結果發現,受訪者認為自己有加強商業華語的需求,他們認為商業華語網站教材設計應包含:可聽得到中文的讀音、提供漢語拼音、使用簡體中文、泰文解釋課文、以及設有華人的企業文化議題等五項要素為網站教材該有的優先功能。在網站試用與評鑑階段,網站評鑑者認為網站設計部分已達到他們的需求,網站不足之處為課文內容與練習部分,建議改善動畫使用或真實人物表演實際商業情境會話為內容呈現方式,使網站更添趣味性與提升多媒體化。
China has become one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Many economists speculate that China could become the world’s largest economy at some point in the near future. This growth has lead to Business Chinese becoming more and more important as a field of learning these days. The purpose of this study was to find principle concepts for designing the influences of web-based teaching in Business Chinese courses for Thai Chinese learners. There is a total of six chapters in this study. Chapter one – Introduction - presents the rationale behind why this study was undertaken and the value of such research, including an explanation of why it is important for Thai Chinese Learners to have a web-based teaching resource especially dedicated to them. The challenges and problems of this study and how they were addressed are indicated in this part as well. Chapter two—Literature Review, elaborates on the background knowledge of Thai Taiwanese expatriate managers coming to Thailand in pursuing their investments, the most popular reasons for why they chose Thailand as their base of investment, and what their motivations are. In the area of teaching, this chapter gives readers a general history of Teaching Chinese in Thailand, and then further elaborates on the concepts of teaching in Business Chinese and Chinese culture, web-based assisted language teaching and instructional designs. Chapter three—Methodology, presents Development Research and Content Analysis methodologies as the research methods utilized in this study. As such, this study gathered data by conducting four in-depth interviews with both Thai Taiwanese expatriate managers and employees, and using prepared and structured questionnaires for conducting Business Chinese Needs Analysis. A total of 278 questionnaires were sent to Thai teachers teaching Chinese and Thai students learning Chinese in Thailand’s universities and from this distribution, 212 responses were received and used as the sample population for this study. Chapter four—Thailand’s Business Chinese Needs Analysis, analyzes the data gathered from several related fields and arrived at the principle concepts of a Business Chinese web design. Chapter five—Business Chinese Web Design, explains the web-based teaching resources as a building block upon which the theories came from the Needs Analysis and then further aligned with the results derived from all of the in-depth interviews. Chapter six—Conclusions, describes findings from the entire exercise of this study, and along with the limitations as stated in this study, further work and future research are recommended. This study reveals the results coming from the respondents who filled out the questionnaires and indicates that they needed to be more proficient in their Business Chinese knowledge, moreover, a web-based course for teaching Business Chinese is recommended to with five basic functions: 1) implementing with voice pronunciation function in Chinese words and sentences; 2) preferring Chinese pinyin; 3) using Simplified Chinese Characters; 4) teaching through the use of Thai language; 5) providing some related Chinese organizational cultures. Part of the developed web-based teaching of Business Chinese was received well and was found to meet respondents’ expectations. It is therefore recommended that to further improve learning levels for teaching practical Business Chinese dialogues in an environment rich in online learning technologies, such as creating flash animations or shooting a short film in real business situations, is highly effective and will yield more positive results than traditional learning styles.



泰國學習者, 商業華語, 網站教材, 線上教學, 教學設計, Thai Learners, Business Chinese, Web-based Teaching Resources, E-learning, Instructional Design





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