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本研究旨在探討我國國中兼任輔導教師之授課節數、工作壓力與輔導自我效能情形。研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市、新北市與桃園縣地區之公立國中兼任輔導教師為研究對象,進行普測調查,共回收有效問卷408份,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。主要研究結果如下: 1.各縣市國中兼任輔導教師之授課節數依當地教育局的規定而有所不同,授課節數較多的兼任輔導教師,其輔導自我效能程度較高。 2.國中兼任輔導教師之工作壓力程度中等,依壓力程度高低排序依序為:專業知能困境、缺乏決策參與、工作不受肯定、人際關係困擾與工作負荷過重。 3.不同性別、專業背景、輔導工作年資等背景變項之國中兼任輔導教師,其工作壓力程度有顯著不同。 4.國中兼任輔導教師之輔導自我效能程度中上,依效能程度高低排序依序為:自我覺察效能、學校系統中人際關係效能、輔導工作助益效能、諮商技巧與歷程效能與輔導工作推行效能。 5.不同婚姻狀況、專業背景、輔導工作年資等背景變項之國中兼任輔導教師,其輔導自我效能程度有顯著不同。 6.國中兼任輔導教師工作壓力與輔導自我效能之間具有負相關。 7.國中兼任輔導教師之工作負荷過重感和專業知能困境可有效預測 輔導自我效能。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議以供國中兼任輔導教師、學校行政單位、教育主管機關及未來研究之參考。
The purposes of the study was to explore teaching hours, the level of work stress and counseling self-efficacy among junior high school counselors in Taiwan. In the present study data were collected through a survey method. A total of 408 junior high school counselors from Taipei City, Xinbei City and Taoyuan County were invited to complete questionnaires on teaching hours, the level of work stress and counseling self-efficacy in this study. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis methods. Main findings of the research are shown as follows: 1.Teaching hours of junior high school counselors are different from school location, and those who has more teaching hours paid more attention to counseling self-efficacy. 2.Junior high school counselors on average showed a middle level of work stress. 3.Junior high school counselors with different gender, college majors and counselors’ years of work showed significant difference in level of work stress. 4.Junior high school counselors on average showed a middle-high level of counseling self-efficacy. 5.Junior high school counselors with different marital condition, college majors and counselors’ years of work showed significant difference in level of counseling self-efficacy. 6.Work stress had negative relationships with counseling self-efficacy for the junior high school counselors. 7.Junior high school counselors’ counseling self-efficacy could be significantly predicted by “the overloaded working” and “the inadequacy of processional knowledge”. In the end, based on the results, suggestions and implications of the study were discussed for junior high school counselors, junior high schools, educational administrators as well as for future studies.



國中兼任輔導教師, 授課時數, 工作壓力, 輔導自我效能, junior high school counselors, teaching hours, work stress, counseling self-efficacy





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