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本研究主要目的在了解國小高年級兒童人際關係困擾之相關議題,並透過正向心理學取向親子諮商歷程以理解對兒童人際關係困擾之協助情形。其包含了兩個子研究,研究一目的在於了解人際關係困擾兒童之個人特質、問題成因、人際衝突事件、增進的關鍵與策略、優勢,以及其未來所需要培養之優勢。研究二目的在分析正向心理學取向親子諮商歷程,並了解親子關係、兒童人際關係在諮商歷程中的改變情形。 研究一訪談11位國小高年級導師和9位心理師,並使用共識質性研究作為資料分析之方法。研究結果發現,人際關係困擾兒童的共同特質是渴望朋友和情緒控制差;其優勢為忠誠度高、樂觀、熱心服務、率直,以及堅持;影響孩子人際關係因素包括家庭結構與功能、父母因應孩子問題的能力、父母教養態度與方式等;改善兒童人際關係策略和關鍵有社交技巧學習、釐清人際事件的原委,以及關係建立;自我節制、幽默與感恩是人際關係困擾兒童未來所需培養的優勢。 研究二之研究參與者為8對親子個案,每對親子進行每週一次,每次約60分鐘,共進行6-8次諮商,以紮根理論進行分析正向心理學取向親子諮商歷程和效果。研究結果顯示,諮商前期的重點為安頓家長身心、從問題以外開始、創造正向意義與情緒,以及強化親子溝通。諮商中期著重家長賦能、發掘兒童之優勢,以及啟動正向循環。諮商後期包括擴大正向經驗於生活、確認親子關係的優勢。諮商效果的部分,兒童認為能主動分享和參與活動、情緒較為穩定且較快樂、自信增加,以及態度較為積極。親子關係部分,家長學會傾聽、尊重和支持孩子,親子溝通品質提升、情緒較穩定,能與孩子形成工作同盟。
The purpose of the study was to understand the 5th and 6th grade students with interpersonal relationship disturbance in elementary schools and the process of the positive psychotherapy for parents – children counseling. For which purpose, two studies were conducted. Study one was to understand the students’ characteristics, what made the interpersonal problems, interpersonal events, solutions, their strengths, and strengths they need to have. Study two was to use a positive psychotherapy to help parents and children to improve their relationship and children’s interpersonal relationship. Study 1 tried to interview 11elementary school teachers and 9 counselors and then adopted consensus qualitative research to understand experience of teaching and counseling the students with interpersonal relationship disturbance. The findings of the study were as follows: those students liked to make friends, but they had a problem to control their emotion. Their signature strengths were Loyalty, optimism, Warm-hearted service, frank, and insistency. Otherwise, children’s parents had poor coping skills for their children’s problems and parenting attitudes were also another important factor for their children’s interpersonal relationship. The solutions of children’s interpersonal relationship problems were to learn social skills, understand the interpersonal events and create other good relationship. Those students needed self-regulation, humor and gratitude to improve their interpersonal relationship. Study 2 adopted grounded theory to analyze the process of the positive psychotherapy for counseling the parent and child, in which 8 pairs of participants received 6-8 counseling sessions and each session took about 60minites. The purpose of study2 was to help children develop better relationships with others. The results of the study were as follows: the beginning of the counseling focused on clam down parents, started besides problems, create positive meaning and emotions, and enhance parent-child communication. The middle of counseling was to empower parents, discover children’s strengths and start a positive cycle which developed their strengths to interpersonal relationships. The end of the counseling was to expand positive experience and flourish the strengths of parent-child relationship. After the counseling,children were able to share and enjoy activities, had the capability to manage emotions, got higher self-esteem, and were more positive. Parents were able to listen to children, respected and supported children. Parents also got more positive emotions and became a working alliance with children.



人際關係困擾, 正向心理學, 親子諮商, 共識質性研究, 紮根理論, interpersonal relationship disturbance, positive psychology, parent- child counseling, consensus qualitative research, grounded theory





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