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新傳播科技與網路世代的來臨,顛覆了過去大眾媒體單向提供閱聽眾資訊的傳播形式,網路此傳播媒介相較於主流媒體,擁有著平台建置成本低廉、高互動性及開放性等特性,為許多無充裕有形資源的獨立媒體帶來新形式的傳播管道。觀察台灣目前的獨立媒體發展現況,許多獨立媒體借助網路與社群的傳播效力,近期促成了許多網路動員與新聞社群凝聚而發揮重要社會影響力的案例。以網路為主要傳播媒介的獨立媒體,由於各有關注報導的議題與族群的獨特性,自然吸引了一群真正關心進而主動參與支持的核心讀者,漸漸於網路空間中凝聚出一新聞社群。藉由社群的互動與交流,經營者能夠與讀者溝通並快速取得回饋,達到獨立媒體所欲傳達、倡議與分享的目的,也因為受關注程度與影響力的提升,日漸突顯網路獨立媒體的重要性。 本研究採用社會資本的觀點,做為獨立媒體藉由網路媒介來凝聚與營造社群的觀察與分析,依照Nahapiet& Ghoshal(1998)的結構、認知與關係三構面,以個案研究法探析《上下游新聞市集》社群經營的社會資本,整合獨立媒體經營者及社群使用者的回應,再輔以與網路專家的訪談及線上觀察,綜合理解獨立媒體經營社群的各面向。 研究結果發現社群的存在與運作對本身即缺乏如大眾媒體傳播力道的獨立媒體而言,確實是重要且必要存在的核心支持與動員的力量;從結構、認知與關係三構面的分析結果得知三者彼此相互影響,首先,因著獨立媒體在人脈關係網絡、經營模式及理念傳達的過程,漸漸開始有利害關係人加入社群,這些社群成員可以是自願聚集而成的興趣社群或是實際參與農業與媒體創作的行動者,構成社群的結構資本;「上下游」社群對農業議題的關心與支持,及對上下游此媒體的理念的共識為認知資本;以群體利益為目標規範而能持續運作的「上下游」社群,因著互惠關係之生成,成員願意自願性的參與社群的動員活動及無償付出,皆立基於信任與認同歸屬感之關係資本的產生。
With the new communication technology and internet era are coming, which subverted the one-way communication of the mass media to audience. Comparing with mainstream media, internet has some characteristics, such like building platform in low cost, highly interactivity and openness, bringing new propagation channel for independent media that are lacking tangible resources. Observing the current situation of independent media, there were many important cases of facilitating mobilization and news community networks by using the effect of internet. Besides, because of internet independent media focusing on some specific issues and ethnic, they attracted a core audience group who really cared and participated actively, gradually, assembling a news community network in cyberspace. Based on community interaction and communication, media operators can get feedback quickly from readers and advocate their idea. In this study, researcher used a perspective of social capital theory to analysis online social network of independent media. According to Nahapiet& Ghoshal(1998)three dimensions: structures, cognition and relation to investigate online social network of “上下游 News & Market”. Researcher integrated interviews with operators, medium users and internet experts as well as observation of online platforms to understand the graphics of online social network of independent media. The result showed that the existence of community network for independent media is important and necessary power for core supporters and mobilization. Based on the structure, cognition and relation three dimensions of Social Capital theory, they influenced each other, first of all, becauseof the specific concept and uniqueness of independent media, there would gather some users who are interested in or the actors who involved in agriculture. Then, if the community network is lack of the compliance with norms and cognition, the online social network can’t be an active community. Besides, the online community is not only formed with the shared vision and condensation, but also a reciprocal network with interaction and trust.



網路獨立媒體, 社群, 社會資本, 上下游新聞市集, Internet independent media, social network community, social capital, 上下游 News & Market





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