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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之青少年在依附關係、心理資本與因應策略間的差異與相關情形。研究過程共抽取新北市某國中之七、八、九年級男女學生,有效樣本共728 人。研究工具包括「國中生依附關係量表」、「國中生心理資本量表」以及「因應策略量表」,以SPSS 18.0 版進行統計分析。並以描述統計、積差相關、單因子多變項變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析與多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。研究結果如下: 一、青少年之依附關係在性別、年級、家庭組成、父母教育程度等背景變項上有顯著差異。 二、青少年之心理資本在性別、父親教育程度變項上有顯著差異,在年級、家庭組成、母親教育程度變項上無顯著差異。 三、青少年之因應策略在性別變項上有顯著差異,在年級、家庭組成、父母教育程度變項上無顯著差異。 四、青少年的依附關係愈佳時,其在心理資本的「希望」、「樂觀」、「自我效能」、「復原力」四層面的滿意度也愈高。。 五、青少年的依附關係愈佳時,其在因應策略上也愈會採用「面對問題」、「面對情緒」二種因應策略。 六、青少年的心理資本愈豐厚時,其在因應策略上愈會採用「面對問題」、「面對情緒」二種因應策略。 七、依附關係與心理資本對因應策略具有預測力,其中以「心理資本」對因應策略之預測力較高。 最後,研究者依據本研究結果加以討論並提出具體建議,以做為家長、教師及未來研究之參考。
The purposes of the study were to explore: 1).whether middle school students’ attachment relationships, psychological capital, and coping strategies varied with gender, grades, family structure, and parental educational levels; 2).whether the relationships among attachment relationships, psychological capital, and coping strategies existed; and 3).how did attachment relationships, and psychological capital predict coping strategies. Participants were 728 junior high school students (including 367 males and 361 females) chosen from one junior high school in New Taipei city. The instruments used in this research included: Attachment relationships scale, psychological capital scale, and coping strategies scale. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The attachment relationships of adolescents varied significantly in terms of gender, grade, family structure, and parental educational level. 2. The psychological capital of adolescents varied significantly in terms of gender and father’s educational level, but not the grade, family structure, and mother’s educational level. 3. The coping strategies of adolescents varied significantly with gender only, but not the grade, family structure, and parental educational level. 4.The canonical correlations also shown that the relationships between attachment relationships and psychological capital, between attachment relationships and coping strategies, and between psychological capital and coping strategies all existed. 5.The coping strategies could be predicted from attachment relationships and psychological capital. And the psychological capital had the higher predictive power than attachment relationships.. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions for guidance, parenting education and future research were provided.



依附關係, 心理資本, 因應策略, attachment relationships, psychological capital, coping strategies





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